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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ahh. impulseeeee. was too irritated by my long fringe that kept poking into my eyes. snip it shorter...but seems like i've accidentally cut it a lil too short. it looks fine now cause it's wet. hopefully it wouldn't turn out to be like the previous chinadoll hairstyles when it's dry.................

finally got my contacts. helped sw to ask bout the prices. it's either i heard wrongly if not why is the price so freaking cheap?! 1 pair of monthly cost S$5. without 闪光. i've no idea how that is spelled in english...someone teach me?

okay. the point is...that's freaking cheap right? bought mine 7pairs for $120 with 闪光. o.o did my maths fail? or does 闪光 make thaaat much of a difference?

anyway. bout school. slack day. wednesday are love much. just that every time on this day the word 'cca' will also pop up. guilty......is either i've really lost that sense of guilt if not i chose not to think about it....no point thinking right? wouldnt make any difference. i wanna lead a carefree life. not tied down by all these stuff. the UK list is out too. yay. to think we work so hard for it and finally got in. so glad. hoping buff&ting would get in too....

nothing much. slack in school for a while after physics fa. before going chongpang to collect my lens.

been a while since i've tried essential hair mask.
hair smells nice. :D

6:08 PM


YUEQI ユエチ一 Rynn
`24.11.93; SAGGI!
currently in qihuapri>riversidesec>innovajc


♥Arashi Concerts
♥Tour around Japan.

♥Good results for Alevels

♥May all be happy&healthy