Sunday, February 28, 2010 ♥
Tired. tons of homeworks&tutorials undone. :\
I rather spent my time figuring out Sony Vegas. that's so much more fun than doing some tutorials. :)
I seem to be losing my focus to study japanese...... crap.
Friday, February 26, 2010 ♥
Finally, i have the time to write a decent post.....
so. my life for the week. HECTIC. just the start of JC life and it's already so fcuking busy. with the number of tutorials to be done and projects. actually, im this busy probably is my own fault for procrastinating. (>.<) i slept at about 1am yesterday. or should i say this morning? till 6am. 5hours of sleep and i feel more energetic than after my usual 7hours routine. maybe i should try sleeping later nowadays? :x although my eyes were practically half-opened when doing the research. :\
and cca has kicked start already. badminton. wednesday and friday. with pe on tuesday and thursday....... so i'm almost exercising everyday. that's..good. if it actually helps me to lose some fats. :)
it's has been so long since i even check up on arashi stuff. and this is just the beginning of JC. nooo.
Thursday, February 25, 2010 ♥
Why is there only 24hours a day? :\
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 ♥
I'm so freaking busy that I dont even have the time to write a decent post. :\
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 ♥
fcuk. i dont even have time to rest nowadays, other than sleep at night, which is like after 11? :\
oh. height&weight. shrunk 1cm. lost 3kg. :D
Monday, February 22, 2010 ♥
and i think it has only been two days since i last changed it...........
school. school. and more school.
projects. projects and more projects.
If someone tells you that going Poly means doing alot of projects while going JC only requires you to do one project which is PW. slap that person.
that's totally false. unless you're telling me only Innova gives that much project in like....the first month? Now i've got Physics, Chemistry and some iMOP thingy to do and PW hasnt even started yet for goodness sake. If all this project helps me to improve on my PW, i will jolly well accept it. and it better be so. :)
Heigh&weight tomorrow. and i think probably 3 rounds around the track. (>.<) that's equal to suicide for me. i seriously hate running to the core. T.T why torture yourself by running? :\
Sunday, February 21, 2010 ♥ head is spinning.spinning.spinning....... (~_~)
Tried doing the tutorials for Maths, Chem and Physics. 3 qns each and i cant even get one answer right. :\ freak. my brain cells are depleting. :(
found a really nice manga. :) Dengeki Daisy. the last time i've read it was probably a year ago and only 1 chapter was out. suddenly there's 4 volume. and the popularity shot through the roof. wow. the story is really nice. :) I recommend that you read it if you've nothing better to do. :)
Saturday, February 20, 2010 ♥
yeah. i'm just back from my Intermediate4 lessons. learning Jap is still fun but memorising the stuff is really....hopeless. and with my limited brain capacity, i've to stare at the paper for more than 15minutes just to remember stuff i've learnt two weeks ago. :x
this morning met up with SeowWen & ZiZhao for physics project discussion. came up with 3 ideas. what are the chances of all 3 being rejected? at least there should be one that the teacher would accept...right? :)
shouldnt have woke up at 9 this morning................... :\
time to find another song for my blog. :)
Friday, February 19, 2010 ♥
great. the song in my blog got deleted from youtube due to copyrights issues. again. :\
seriously. my life is only revolving around school&laptop since the start of JC. and it's soo freaking boring. lessons as usual every week. got sabotage appointed as the Maths rep. okay. now i've to do all my tutorials regularly...... I'm fine with it as long it gives me a nice testimonial in the end. :) and it better be so.
and our physics proposal got rejected. :\ crap. now we've to think of another one.
went to GinSoon's house to get ang bao gamble. lol. and for once, i won some. :)
so...what have i learnt today -- how to play Poker. :)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 ♥
First day of actual timetable. wednesday -- a language day. :\
since it's the first for most tutorials, ended up doing introduction and playing some games. free&easy la. how good would it be if everyday was like this. :) yeah i wish.
went to Body Worlds. amazing, amusing & awesome! :D
cant really describe how i feel about that place but if you're above like erm...12? I suggest you should go and take a look. :) under 12...somehow i think it would be a waste of money for them. :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010 ♥

Gathering at Ms Tan's house. okay. my dream didnt come true. not that i want it too. :x
the picture's quite blur due to the lousy camera of mine. but can make do with it la. :)
16 of us this year round. the number is decreasing gradually though. wonder how many will come the next. i remember saying that line last year too. lol. but still it was a fun day. :)
tons of undone tutorials and lecture notes to read up. :\ reality really sucks.
...I just had this weirdest dream.
-- was on my way to MsTan's house. (yeah. it freaks me how much it resembles my life) and was crossing through a park. then for dunno what reason, a bunch of mad people came chasing after me. anyway they were holding onto knifes and trying to slash my face i supposed. LOOOL. but in the end i grabbed the knife from one person. i grabbed the blade and my hands werent even bleeding! ...and i started to stab him. yes. i even remember the number of times i've stabbed him. 7times. :x and it's like one stab at each thigh, and a few at the stomach. seriously... it amaze scares me how i remember those details.
oh but the story doesnt even ends there. suddenly i ended up fetching my sis from school. yes. it was rss. and we went through that park again. then i was stopped by a bunch of teens again. this time, wanted me to draw a picture of them. draw. wth. ....then i woke up. :\
yes. one of my fcuking weird dreams. brain. wth is wrong with you? :x
...and now i'm going to visit MsTan's house. hopefully that's just a dream. :)
Monday, February 15, 2010 ♥
Taylor Swift - Today Was A Fairytale :)
from Valentine's Day.

Aww. Maomao's soo cute. XD
Was freaking busy yesterday that i barely got to use the comp. yeah. too busy getting angbaos. lol. :D
going to MsTan's house tomorrow i supposed. :)
i wanna gamble..... :)
life's so freaking hectic nowadays that i dont even seem to get enough sleep. :\ and there's Body world trip on wednesday. :)
Saturday, February 13, 2010 ♥
...I just lost all my motivations to do homeworks. again. :x
with homeworks piling up and the new timetable that practically sucks. oh even the seating plan sucks. i dont wish to sit at the sides. :( center's better.
anyway just came back from reunion dinner. :) more weight gained too. :\
Happy Chinese New Year to all. :D
Friday, February 12, 2010 ♥
Wow. it's 9pm already. :\
had cny celebration this morning. okay. for once...i prefer rss way of cny instead. not that i'm saying IJC one was bad...but just boring. :x had civics lessons first with those admin stuff, follow by some talks about Total defence that almost made me fell asleep. and lastly, hamper wrapping. i guess that's the only fun part for the day. the performance was so-so. the lion dance was kinda cool though. :) but i was expecting some sweets-throwing instead of skins(peeled) and pieces of lettuce or cabbages. :\ should i be glad i wasnt hit by one? o.o i miss the sweets and 财神爷 in rs. :\

met up with others and had lunch at Pastamania. delicious but freaking full. i'm sure i've gained a few kilograms today. :\ and i was planning on slimming down......such a failure.
caught Percy Jackson & The Lightning Theif. it's pretty nice. :D not as great as HarryPotter that's for sure. :)
Thursday, February 11, 2010 ♥
yay. it's thursday. :) no lessons till next wednesday.
.....okay i forgot what i wanted to blog about all thanks to the idiot living above my home.wth is he/she doing,shoving stone-like things into the pipe and making it sounds like rats running in the pipe. who knows. maybe there really are rats. :\ but. whatever it is. the freaking sound is making maomao bark like mad. and it's making me go mad. tsk.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010 ♥
tutorials, tutorials and MORE TUTORIALS. :(
seems like this so called 'long' holiday which is after deducting cny ( Saturday, Sunday &Monday ).....i'm only left with tuesday! and still planning to go visit our primary school teachers. please. what 'long' holiday is this? :\
chemistry&maths are killing me.
...and in the end i've chosen badminton. :X
if sho's seriously going to Vancouver.....please come for the YOG. :)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010 ♥
Seriously. I dont think i'm myself today. :\
that's all i wish to say. :)
Monday, February 8, 2010 ♥

Nino. you're so better off being a girl. :D why so pretty.
got to know my CG -- 1012A. which i think half of the group is Riversidians. :)
and still confused as to choose between Badminton or Photography.
When you make a choice, you will face a trade-off and will incur an opportunity cost.....blahblahblah. that's so true. :\
how many freaking choices do i've to make in JC before all my hair turns white. :X
Sunday, February 7, 2010 ♥
Back from the whole day trip to woodlands shengsiong that area, This Fashion at Sunplaza. got two pairs of jeans and three blouses. lol. no skirts nor dress this year. :D my leg hurts from all that freak walking. :\
..and my mother is presuading me to take up Badminton as my cca. should i? o.o
There seems to be a lot of homeworks but I just cant remember what. :\
Saturday, February 6, 2010 ♥

Accompanied buff for the meet up to get the Tokyo&Nagoya charms. Instead, the girl who came gave us a stack of Arashi photos and told us to choose one each. so we got those two pics. :)
Jap lessons after that. babbling nonsense again. LOL. XD
going to buy cny clothes tomorrow i supposed. finally. :)
Friday, February 5, 2010 ♥
A day with only two lectures that took about 2hours but had to stay in school for about 4hours. :\ seriously. i didnt expect to be going to a Jc, i threw away all my valuable notes in secondary school. not even a tys or textbook is left. :\ how am i gonna survive now? this sucks.
nvm. i'm gonna be a freaking nerd who keeps on mugging throughout the year. :)
anyway. buff treated us to pizzahut this noon. tried out the new year special pizza set. it's really nice! tentimes better than those original ones. :D it's kinda weird seeing all in different uniforms though. lol.
back to my home and we became stalkers for the rest of the day. XD had dinner and played some ridiculous games till bout 10. tomorrow's sat, guess i'll be helping my mother to mop the floor ( as promised..... ) and jap lesson. :)
seems like C.N. Blue song got removed. gonna find another song for my blog now. :)
Wednesday, February 3, 2010 ♥
The day's almost over but still,
Happy Birthday to Buff~! nono. should be CARYN~! :DDD
I'm bored&tired.
second day of lectures~
officially concludes that chem :\ perhaps it's just because i've yet to adapt to her way of teaching. but... to make me not understand something that i've once understood...isnt there something wrong?
anyway. cca fair. great. Photographic Society, Bowling or Badminton? most probably photographic society i supposed? o.o
' If only life is like a rainbow...would it be more colourful? '
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 ♥
First day of lectures and i almost fell alseep during Physics. :\ what a great start. the facilities are soo good in Innova that it's too comfortable and with the air-con, it's quite amazing if one doesnt fall asleep at least once during lessons. :X
and there is Chem, Phy, Econ, MT tomorrow. an hour each. i guess the only thing to look forward to is probably the CCA fair. :)
why am i so tired? :\ this is probably the first time that i've had a nap once i reached home which is like 6? and i slept till 7. if only there wasnt dinner, i could probably sleep all the way. :x
Monday, February 1, 2010 ♥

Some of the lovely things we've received. :)
The wonderful 3days orientation at InnovaJC. :) I know i hate the orientations at first but it turned out pretty fun and enjoyable. although Taurus didnt win the overall, at least i'm glad that we won the Finale performance. The mass dance is still the best though. :D 'Disco' night. lol.
thankful to the HGLs' for this pleasant experience. :) and my wonderful Telescopium teammates. :D
....but back to reality. lessons starts tomorrow and straight till 3plus with lectures throughout the whole day... yes. reality sucks. :\
and seems like i've passed my Intermediate3 test. so, down to Orchard tomorrow to sign up for I4 lessons. say bye to another 260bucks.
and i've yet to buy my P.E. attire and lecture notes. :\ $$ where are you~?