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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Early Happy 'Buff'day to HooHsingYi. :D cant believe that paperbag took me almost 3hours to complete. the beautiful 'Caryn' brand& :)

speaking of english names. from now on, you guys can call me Rynn. LOOOL. XDDD it seriously sounds freaking weird though. :\

okay. cut the crap. Met up with others and bus-ride to Escape. at about noon. with the scorching sun. and no sunblocks. great. Played a few rides and got freaking wet. :) it was fun. it has been almost ayearplus since i last went to Escape. not that i would want to go there again any sooner. most of the exciting rides like Inverter, Rainbow, and the one at the left of the entrance are gone now anyway. guess Escape might just really close up when the Universal Studio Singapore opens. :x

Lunch at Subway. $6.50 egg&mayo is enough to make me puke. seriously, i think my appetite isnt small though. :) went for a few rounds at Arcade and accidentally found 8 free credits for bball. so we just played all of it. but...somehow it makes me feels a little weird. :\ why do i always feel uneasy when something good happens to me? Or is that what being 'human' means? :x
so....continued with the games &neoprints. :) which can be found at Buff's blog.

back to Escape for another consecutive 3 rounds of Pirate ship. seriously, i think i can feel my lunch at my throat at that point. :\ 3rounds is really a lil too much for me. XD others had a few more rides and bus(ed) home.

bought some sushis at ColdStorage for dinner. and staggered home with my eyelids barely opening. even now, it's still the same. -.-

uploading&editing pictures on Facebook.
remainings can be found there. :)
...M.F. works!
* I doubt you would see this but life's like this okay? since you're already at that point, you only have two choices -- 1. Accept it. 2. Fight for it. but you are doing neither of those.
it doesnt helps if you remain like this. -- from a concerned friend.

10:00 PM
Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm so bored to the point that i'm actually taking pictures of myself. :
Intermediate3 test. should be pretty alright, i supposed. :) and we will proceed to I4 which means another 260bucks gone and 2months of saturdays gone. at least slight communication is possible right now. so, i'm glad. :)

10:55 PM

Okay. the second time i'm at a fan meeting session. FT Island's. and the only thing i've learnt is... dont bother going if your camera sucks. :) see. all the pictures are so blurry. and be there early if you seriously wanna get good seats. otherwise, pray for someone to give up theirs. :)

went to IMM for the FT Island fan-sign with ting&mj. bought our burgers and subway for dinner and was prepared to eat it while waiting for fti. in the end...not only did we not get to eat, our burgers were squashed. : they were late for about half an hour? or perhaps it was scheduled for them to come out after half an hour while the mc continues yaking away. pictures sucks as you can see. should seriously get a DSLR before going for such things. $$. haiz. I'm not a major fti fan and worst still, i dont even know who's who other than hongki. if it's arashi then that's another case. (^.^) back to Mos to eat up our squashed burgers and trained back. :)

2nd day of Orientation. better than yesterday since games were included and cheers were louder. :) now muscle ache. when was the last time i exercise this much? :X

...and my wonderful group - telescopium. :) *finally i remember how to spell the name.

12:07 AM
Thursday, January 28, 2010

First day of Orientation in Innova Junior College.

what i've learnt --
1. they got a bunch of hyperactive J2 students. at least the mood is high throughout.
2. there are aloooot of riversidians in IJC. half trying to appeal out i supposed. :X
3. weird groups names that i've never even heard of. like mine - Telescopium. o.o
4. we are forced to buy a graphic calculator which is compulsory and cost about 145bucks. freak.
5. some teachers are pretty friendly. :)
6. then cheers and more cheers. and ice-breakers.
7. Mass Dance! ♥. the dance steps are million times better than the RS dance.
8. and lastly... the school song. okay..too unique for a school song. it sounds more like a pop song or like what they said similar to national day song. XD but it's okay la. :)
9. TWO MORE DAYS OF ORIENTATION. die. why not just 1.....
10. I've no idea whether to choose between a H1 Economics or a H1 Geography. :(

overall. i should say i'm quite satisfied? o.o although their arrangement at the start was totally horrible and chaotic. :\

6:20 PM
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Some of our 'wonderful' omelette rice. LOL. it looks like total failure to me. at least fun experience cooking? i mean scrubbing the utensils. : I guess this probably is the last time we have time to do such things before school starts.
Will we all really meet up again? :\
I hope so.

8:48 PM

Oh yeah. and i got into Innova JC. :)

9:30 AM

early in the morning and i went to tried this website out again. tried it before but doubt i've posted. actually capital letters and spacing does affects so... i just choose the better one of all. XD
so half of my brain is pratically empty while the remaining are 'love' and one portion for sleep. am i really lacking of it eventhough i sleep for more than 9hours everyday? :\

9:15 AM
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bought monthly contacts with zhao&jiahui at chongpang. :) havent tried in on yet but hopefully everything's fine. jiahui&mojo came over. practically spending our time searching for stuffs like 'Bermuda Triangle' , 'Mary Celeste' , 'Mayan calendar 2012'....etc.... LOL. are we really teenagers? o.o

I supposed we are making Omelette Rice tomorrow. :) while playing mj again perhaps?

okay. we're definitely a weird bunch of teenagers. XD

Something extra.

read this 'so called' personality prediction by numerials from Uweekly. find it pretty cool since mine is pretty....true. :x

例如 -- for mine. 24.11.1993
2 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 3 = 30
3 + 0 = 3

so 3 is my number.

and since i can only find explainations for number 3 & 4. if your number isnt one of those two then dont bother reading anymore. :)

Number 3 --
生命数字“3” 的人,活跃和积极向前看,很清楚自己想要什么,并有迅速分辨事物“好”或“坏”的特质。他们也是拥有天生的才华和能力而成为富有的人。
生命数字“3” 的人,在30岁之前会有一番成就。他们的消极面是,不耐烦,容易发脾气。但也能够很快冷静下来,是个急性子。有时候办事马虎,立场不够坚定;有时候,喜欢恶作剧。他/她讲话过于直率,以对方的关系起起落落,如果没有妥善处理,可能会导致暴力的行为出现。

Number4 --
生命数字“4” 的人,是博学的个体,具艺术天分,易受到社会大众的认同,是个值得信赖,富有同情心,具备个人魅力的人。他们个性向外,热爱旅行,崇尚自由的生活方式。年纪轻轻就是个办事能力很强的人。
生命数字“4” 的女性多半是备受宠爱呵护的类型。但在面对人生不如意识,可以很快从失败中成长,从新站起来。

hehe. that's all for now? :)

8:45 PM
Monday, January 25, 2010

Okay. that's a one-of-a-kind drama. comedy. didnt expect Sunako-chan to show her face that early in the series though. :\ continue watching? maybe....not.

MJ, Buff & Zhao came over to kill time. bought the ingredients and cooked bobochacha. while playing mj. yes, we totally look like 'typical aunties'. :X the bobochacha actually turned out pretty well eventhough we bought the wrong sweetpotato. my mother actually likes it pretty much. XD

...and lastly, Happy Birthday to Sho-kun! :)

9:33 PM

nice shows. :)
code blue still doesnt fails to make me tears. :)

12:20 PM
Sunday, January 24, 2010

..and yes. we went to the AAA08 screening at The Arts House. :D a wonderful arashi fan gathering experience. :) 4hours of screaming, cheering, singing, shouting. and thanks to that. my throat became like this. :\ it does differs watching alone at home compared with a crowd of fans.
with games&prizes. :) even the goodie bags are worth mentioning. since every bag contains one Arashi photo. and we managed to get our favourites. after some chaotic trading. :X ting won two more photos at one of the games. :) and... i won the 1st prize for the lucky draw... (>.<)

and i've finally pasted the pin-ups on the wall. :D after 2hours of wrapping&sticking. a few more left. :)

10:30 PM
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Okay. My throat's kinda better now but my flu has just gotten worst. :\ just like a running tap.
and tomorrow's finally the day for the AAA08 Screening. already a month since we applied for it. fast.

just pray that my flu gets better if not people going....good luck that you dont catch my cold. :)

10:23 PM
Friday, January 22, 2010

I bet i've sneezed at least a hundred times today....no....maybe more than that. :\

5:24 PM
Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm totally turning into a female otaku. XD
finally. after what seems like ages. Odoroki SP6+3D LIVE is subbed! i'm soo grateful to the subbers. (*v*)
and the 3D part work just fine or should i say perfectly well even though i just tried putting the red and blue pieces of translucent paper under my specs. I'm too lazy to make the frame. but it works~! :D

9:38 PM

third day of rotting at home. all thanks to my poor throat. it hurts so much that even swallowing is hard. :(

and all i'm doing now is housework and using comp.
If this goes on, i'm totally becoming a part-time housekeeper. :X

nice song. :D

1:30 PM
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Music Station SUPERLIVE 2009. 4hours. freak. i cant even finish watching the first two hours. arashi hasnt even appeared yet. :\ gonna continue it at night. :)

5:14 PM

Smexy sho. :D

it feels kinda weird not going out for two consecutive days. but i'm too lazy to move my butt so.... :\

11:18 AM
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A hectic day. :) woke up at 9. mop&swept the floor for 2hours. lol. Are my movements really that slow? Water the plants while trying to ensure maomao doesnt dash off suddenly. if not, carrying maomao in one hand. no choice, it looks too pitiful to be placed on the shelf. : Lunch for me&mao. whose food became ants' paradise. I HAAAATEEEEE ANTS.
Used comp for a few hours. then back to cooking vermont curry. at least this time it wasnt that soggy and the chicken managed to be intact and not dissolved like last time... :X

it's almost 10 and finally my paradise. :D

9:37 PM
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Finished painting my room (finally it's called 'my' room) and my sis' room. :D pink&violet. it totally resembles one bottle from the personality test in Iweekly that consists of bottles with different colours.

Code Blue 2
Liar Game 2
Saigo no Yakusoku
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
and maybe Bloody Monday 2 if i ever finish the first.

that's a lot to watch. :X

6:36 PM
Friday, January 15, 2010

Pizzahut in the noon. :) sausage craze. that's like the only thing i ever tried there. lol. other than the chicken haven which really sucks. it should totally be called 'mushroom haven'. XD

trained to bugis in search of stuff. Jiahui couldnt find her ideal nylon backpack. lol. instead she bought a watch. pretty pink. :D

went to Iluma or is it spelled Illuma (?) o.o. whatever it is. the shopping mall is freaking huge. i mean spacious. it's soo spacious that people can go dancing in the middle of the mall. and there's this long escalator that brings you straight from 1st storey to the 5th. or 6th i think. :) really cool.
but it's too deserted for a new shopping mall.

half the time at Arcadia. a huge gaming centre. that takes up half of the level. and the machines are soo new&latest. :)
there's a garden at the top floor and we basically spent the remaining time cam-whoring till 7. 40plus pictures at my phone and more with zhao&mojo. :)

some to share. and more to facebook if i'm not too lazy to upload them. :)

oh. and the little boy is so cute. he keeps playing with us and doesnt wants to go back with his mummy even though she tried so hard to call him back. i kinda pity his mother. XD

9:47 PM


YUEQI ユエチ一 Rynn
`24.11.93; SAGGI!
currently in qihuapri>riversidesec>innovajc


♥Arashi Concerts
♥Tour around Japan.

♥Good results for Alevels

♥May all be happy&healthy