Saturday, November 28, 2009 ♥
I cant really think of anything to post right now, so i'll just cut short everything.
- Went out the whole day with my family.
- got a haircut. it kinda look like bangs. :)
- bought a swimsuit finally. now i can go swimming. :D
- ate kfc/mac for dinner.
- currently blogging.
and that's my day. :)
Thursday, November 26, 2009 ♥
and so, the big day for my sis has finally come. PSLE result will be released in like 1hour's time. I just pray for her to pass that's enough. please.. i dont even know how to react if she doesnt later on. :\ oh god. *prays like mad*
anyway. i'm wondering how much XL's sis will get. XD top of the level? highly
guess i'll have to find something to cure my boredom for now. :)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009 ♥ today's my birthday. Happy birthday to myself. :)
am i suppose to find the day special or something? since i couldnt feel anything much and it feels just like any other normal days. even the words "Happy Birthday" feels numb to me after 16years. anyway. still many thanks to those who message me and stuff. :D
Supposed to be going for my class chalet today. but guess i'm not attending it. nevermind about that $8. I dont really have the mood to attend, neither does my body. No fever but....with my throat and flu. I think it's better to stay at home. somehow that feels like an excuse...maybe it is. :\ Sorry people.
Guess i'm gonna waste the day at home while others are searching for jobs. I wanna find one too. :
Monday, November 23, 2009 ♥
My throat...... T.T
Sunday, November 22, 2009 ♥
...and in the end, i nvr went to the AFA. :X
This morning, woke up at 7...i was forced to, to participate in the wadever Sembawang GRC ging Festival. yes. whenever it concerns the GRC, it means walking, jogging, running etc. and early in the morning i went to the 2.3km walk with my family, including maomao. It was kinda embarrassing to bring maomao along. obviously, the walk was meant for humans and maomao was basically the only dog there. everyone was like staring and i could pretty much read some of their minds like "who the heck would bring a dog along?" but most were pretty friendly. :)
the walk ended pretty soon since the distance is pretty short. compared to riverside's walk which is like about 3pluskm. did i even sweat? i doubt so. even if i did, it was due to the heat more than the exercise part. :
Stayed till about noon for the lucky draw. aww. 100prizes yet didnt won any eventhough we had about 6 or more tickets. lol. haiz. blame it on our luck. :\

is it because it's entering the rainy season that the wind is somehow blowing in the wrong direction. my doors keep slaming and im so afraid that one day when maomao is lying along the doorway, the door might slam and squash it. :X I hope not...
just a tiny reminder,
two more days to my birthday. XDDD
Saturday, November 21, 2009 ♥
Life seems to return to normal after prom. and here i am, back to my regular drama watching self. Finally managed to finish You're Beautiful episode 14. A pretty sad episode. Poor Jeremy. 2more episodes to the end. I was hoping for a second season though. there seems to be rumor about it but who knows? :\
anyway, after soo long, finally willing to create a facebook account. lol. add me if you want? :)
FT Island is coming back to Singapore. :D
Friday, November 20, 2009 ♥
Prom Night last night. :D
It was pretty fun. and everyone was shocking. hehe. XD could barely recognise some at first glance. the buffet was kinda.....squeezy. perhaps it would've been better if it wasnt buffet style. Games and interaction was pretty fun since buff managed to get us a good seat and view from the stage. Magic performance by Jeremy Tan. I supposed that's his name. It was amazing! magic is still as fun as ever. Played games like "Dont forget the lyrics", "Who wants to be a millionare?"... I guess that's about it. My heels freaking hurt after that and i totally believe that my feet are distorted now. it's only two inch half and it alrdy hurts like hell. i'm so weak. :| and to think some stranger came up and ask where did i bought the shoe. lol. still. It was an enjoyable night. :)
If you are looking for pictures, sorry i barely have any. So, my suggestion for you is to skip this blog and go on to another. :D
Caught You're Beautiful episode 13 finally. Pretty nice episode but by zhao, episode 14 seems to be very heart wrenching. Yeah..i can tell that much from just the preview. :\ Jeremy...aww
i'm totally falling for F.T Island.............
Arashi is still the best but...liking another kpop group shouldnt be too bad? XD perhaps after mastering Japanese, which would probably take ages, i could consider taking up korean. XD
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 ♥
One more day to prom. :) not that i'm that looking forward to it. XD
Booked the badminton court at woodlands cc few days ago. Supposed for 2hours but everyone was late. ended up playing for only 1hourplus. I guess it must be due to my lack of exercise since months ago that my badminton skills basically plunge and i barely can hit that shuttlecock.
and due to my laziness for not searching a pair of sneakers, i went to play in slippers. which practically became bare-footed. now i've blisters at the bottom of my feet. crap. and i've to wear that......2inchhalf high-heels tomorrow. pray for me man. :|
Others came up for MJ. today wasnt really my day. ended up losing quite a sum. and zhao is ssstilll the biggest winner. lol. Caught a few videos and everyone went home afterawhile.
Hopefully tomorrow wont be too disastrous. :)
and i'm still patiently waiting for You're Beautiful episode 13 subs. :D
Tuesday, November 17, 2009 ♥
Two more days to prom. :) and i hereby declare I'M BROKE. I'M FREAKING BROKE.
I dont even want to go out now to stop myself from spending anymore. who in the hell would spend up to 200$+ for just prom. and make up is freaking expensive.... it's a good thing i dont really like putting on makeups. otherwise, i would most probably have to beg for more pocket money. :\
and i'm sooo in need of exercise. to get rid of these lumps of fats all around my body. :\
and there's still so much i wanna do. :| Can someone offer me a job? ^^
Saturday, November 14, 2009 ♥
Life's pretty hectic even after olevels and prom night is practically burning a hole in my pockets. Went to Orchard this morning with others to search for clothes, dresses, shoes, hat, bag.. whatever there is. and we actually walked till 6. In the end, bought a dress. I swear that's the most expensive dress i've in my closet. :\ and i'm still lacking of shoes, bag and other accessories. and what the hell am i gonna do with my hair? Cant i just let it down that night. XD and look pretty much like a ghost. hehe.
Anyway. In need of a part-time job currently. Will be glad if anyone can introduce me to one. :D
Thursday, November 12, 2009 ♥

Seriously. You're Beautiful is a pretty nice drama. watch it. :D
at least listen to the OST. the songs are really good too. :)
what's with the weather? It's raining moments ago and now the rain stops and now there's lightning and thunder, without rain. :\
Wednesday, November 11, 2009 ♥
The first thing i saw when i just started using the comp was this.
all 5 of them in one drama?! that's like a dream come true for the fans. ahhhhhhh.
i think i'm going nuts. X|
anyway. exams are coming to an end soon. which means more time to use the comp and to watch their shows. :DDDDDD
omg. can you believe how happy i am. who cares if it's only two hours. XD

I guess i was a little bored yesterday. Ended up flipping through a book for making cards and did that. lol. the inside was supposed to pop up but seems like it failed. :X
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 ♥
Happy Birthday JieShin. :)
Argh. I just couldnt stop using the computer. Yes, i know there's physics paper 1 later on but my butt just wont leave the chair. :\ and i'm practically spamming loads of videos.
My girl's making is out. :DDDDDD

You're Beautiful. A kdrama about a girl who had to replaced her twin brother who was scouted to be in a boyband, A.N. JELL. and Lee Hon Ki is one of the bandmates. and and and he's freaking cute. XD Anyway. It's a pretty nice show, only watched till episode 2 for now but if you like hanakimi or coffee prince. This should be pretty much your choice. :D
till then, ciao. :)
Monday, November 9, 2009 ♥
I almost forgotten there's still Olevels tomorrow. :| two more papers. 頑張ってみんな~!
Had the urge to change blogskins but as you know, i sucks with html codes and stuff so guess i'm gonna throw out that idea for now. :X
Was watching Oprah moments ago on channel5. Almost the whole episode was about a 16year old girl name Charice. :) I know i'm lagging behind time but still she is one hell talented singer and the episode pretty much made me cried. It was really heart-warming. :)
Saturday, November 7, 2009 ♥
Oh great. I'm back to becoming an anime freak again.
worst still, got hooked on to a 1995 anime show. lol. Fushigi Yuugi is the name. Actually i'm pretty sure i've finished this anime around two years ago. and here i am, back watching it (again).
52episodes. Guess it should take about a week to finish it or so. :) about 23 more episodes to go? hehe.
Oh. and i think this is the reason why i love Watase Yuu's works. :D
Check out 0:06. It's hilarious for a 1995 anime. Especially if you're a JE fan. XD

Got the contacts. too efficient. XD
havent tried it on yet. hopefully it would fit my small eyes. :)
Today's saturday and i guess i'm staying at home. catching up with the videos. :)
Friday, November 6, 2009 ♥
Do you know how much i've been waiting for this day since 1stJan2009? :DDDDDD
there's still two more papers left but who cares. two paper 1 for chemistry and physics. I will study that when monday comes. :DDD
oh god. there's sooo much things ive want to do for this holiday.
1. Contacts. :D
2. Shopping for Prom Night stuff
3. Tour around Singapore. XD
4. Chalets. chalets and more chalets.
5. Kbox, partyworld, TopOne, Cash Studio. Name it and i will go. :D
6. Find a Job. :)
7. and I will think about the remaining ones later. :P
Read from PekLian's.
Korean version of Kimi wa Petto. with Kim Hyun Joong as MatsuJun's role. O.O!
but Korean's version will be a movie that will air probably April next year?
I'm so gonna watch it. :DDD
ahh. Life has become so beautiful once again~~
and Arashi is still as wonderful as ever. :D