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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Had Mac breakfast with 4/6 and others. It's nice seeing so many turned up for the 'class' breakfast. sweet. XD Graduation Day today. looots of pictures taken but ive none with me. :X Videos and speeches. it's kinda frustrating that our class video got cut off at the end. for god know what reason. but still. have to thank Isabel for making such a wonderful video. :)
Received our graduation 'gift' -- a clear folder with the logo of RS and the information sheet about our upcoming supplementary lessons........................how nice of them.

Went to Partyworld with zhao,mojo&ting. been years since i last went there. After getting hooked on to Japanese songs and arashi, all ive gone to is CashStudio. and i realised that i know nuts about 2009 newly released chinese songs. :X but still it was enjoyable. :D

and it's gonna be the last time. I'm gonna work hard from tomorrow onwards for Olevels. It's only like 26more days and ive yet to do anything. :\ Nevermind. Isnt it better to do something when you're motivated to instead of being forced to. :)

I'm not good at expressing myself through speaking neither through typing. so i'm just gonna cut short and say this...
4/6 has really been through alot. and i really mean alot. things that others may not know or understand other than ourselves. and i guess that's why this class is special to me. all the times we've been through together. I'm gonna miss them all. :)

8:56 PM
Monday, September 28, 2009

One more day to Graduation. :) I'm not really missing the days in schools though. other than the time spend with my friends and classmates. Lessons arent really that.........yeah. that's what i really feel though. I'm not gonna like " omg. omg. only one more day left. i will definitely miss school. " like the hell i would do that. :X

Anyway. Seems like Yomei Ikkagetsu no Hanayome is coming to Singapore. :D
October 8th. :)
Did Singapore suddenly realised that there is actually a possible Japanese market here? Suddenly a gush of Jmovies. Crows Zero II, Gokusen Movie, Yomei Ikkagetsu no Hanayome...
whatever it is. I'm glad. :)

10:32 PM
Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy Birthday JiaHui! :D
Happy Birthday Jasmine! :D

Okay. I cant believe i managed to sneak in to watch a NC16 movie. actually i dont see the reason why i cant. :\ Just because i'm born like two months later means i'm not 16? what crap is that? :\ anyway. i'm still glad i managed to get in with a fake ez-link of Bernice face which doesnt looks the least like me. :)

oh. have i not mention the name of the movie? we caught The Ugly Truth strongly recommended by jiaen. lol. and i dont regret watching it at all. :) although basically the whole show was filled with 'sexual reference' content and i had a good laugh out of it. :D to the point when my chest was clutching together strongly again like the last time. it kinda hurts though. god knows what's wrong with my body. :|
overall. it's one nice show and recommended. :D

Oh great. it's 25th already and i've only completed 8compo. havent revised a shit. and lots of worksheets to be done. :\ great. just great.

anyway. what's wrong with that sistic poll. as though it restarted on its own. :\

9:00 PM
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

at least the evening academy was pretty rewarding. More rewarding as compared to zhao. who was sooo 'determined' on finishing that two question of hers and spent two hours on just those two questions. XD

oh. but i think i'm gonna flung my humanities and phy test tomorrow though. have yet to finish reading geog ( which i dont even plan to continue doing ) nor have i started on physics ( and neither do i plan to do this too ). :X

ah. some good news. passed my Intermediate two Jap test. :DDDDDDD and ive completed two more compo. :DDDDDDDDDDD

Tengoku tomorrow night. and 50hours of Arashi in a week. :D

10:03 PM
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I think my brain cells are mostly dead by now. :\
straight 12hours of studying including breaks and stuff is seriously too much for my brain to handle. Guess i'm gonna collapsed on bed soon later on. without doing my compo. if this continues, i can imagine the number of compo i would have to do at the end of the month. T.T Dont even remind me about that.

oh god. it's 10 already and i just had my dinner. :X Evening academy seriously disrupts my normal routine. and i couldnt even finish half of my dinner before i became full. :\ What the hell is wrong with my stomach? :|

9:53 PM
Sunday, September 20, 2009


    お誕生日 おめでとう!:)


hehe. it's kinda late i know but it's not twelve yet. so i'm still on time. :)
Family outing day. :) when was the last time i spend almost the entire day with my family? :X I cant remember... it just seems kinda long since i last sat in my father's car. :|

okay. 10more compo to go. and uncountable revision to be done. :)

oh. and i cut my hair. :X

9:00 PM
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Booohooo. Guess this is the end of my Japanese lesson for now. *crys* will have to wait till after Os to continue it. *crys even more*
Would definitely miss this class of ours. :) All the laughters made my Saturdays so much brighter. :)

and today's gone. without touching any schoolwork. which means. no compo. no revision. nothing. and i would have to do double compo tomorrow. freak. i dont mind if this actually helps, but is it really helping? o.0

this blog is seriously becoming black and white. :X

10:53 PM
Thursday, September 17, 2009

3 days of no updates again. seriously. sometimes i find blogging such a chore and i'm too lazy to do so. Anyway, who wants to look at those craps i'm gonna talk about mostly regarding school life. since that's what my life is all about. :\

okay. i'm gonna continue crap about school stuff. Do continue reading if you are still interested. :)
okay. 1 week of holiday. so little homework. 1 day of holiday. FLOODED with homeworks. Does that actually makes any sense? -.-

I seriously cant find any thing to talk about now. maybe will blog again when my life is more colourful then. :)

8:40 PM
Monday, September 14, 2009

Seems like it has been a while since i last posted. Nono. i'm not planning to close the blog or stop blogging after going through all the trouble to 'revive' it. :)

Anyway. Back to school. after that one week holiday which seemed pretty much wasted like the ones before. eventhough i said that i'll use the time properly. procrastination would really get me into trouble someday. :\
okay. i'm amazed at how much some people have changed. not physically i mean. everyone seemed to become so hardworking. or am i just looking at the hardworking ones. o.o
great. i haven't even touch any of my maths worksheeeeets during the holidays. the one i received today must be the first in like.... weeks? :X

okay. moral of the story: " stop procrastinating or it'll lead to your doom someday. " :)

6:01 PM
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I'm losing it. I'm losing it. I'm losing it.
My brain is seriously malfunctioning just after doing Paper1 of CHIJ chemistry. yes. and i totally gave up on basically half of the paper. :\
and it's wednesday already. All i've completed is English. and there two more freaking SBQ to go. dont even mention about revision and stuff. Why is it that all my homeworks are subjects which i practically sucks at and hated the most? T.T

Now i'm trying to recover my braincells by using the comp. watching some arashi shows should help pretty much i hope. :X

6:25 PM
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wow. Stumbled to Anime Festival Asia 09 official webpage.
Shoko Nakagawa coming is already known and shocking. but i didnt know that there are actually 3 more artistes coming for the event. o.o
- Shoko Nakagawa ( The guest on Arashi no Shukudai-kun cosplay episode. XD )
- May'N ( she performed for last year's AFA too. )
- Yoshiki Fukuyama
- Ichirou Mizuki
and there's Kaname a famous cosplay player as the judge. :)

Anyway. events included. :)
- I LOVE ANISONG (Music concert)
- First ever Regional Cosplay Championship
- Moe Moe Kyun Maid Cafe
- Bandai Kids Land

LOL. AFA 09 is held at Suntec Convention & Exhibition Halls on 21-22nd November. :)
and i'm sooo going! XD

More information of the Press Conference can be found below :)

1:18 PM

Made pancakes for breakfast this morning. It's nice. XD considering that's my first try. my cooking skills basically sucks. What else can i cook other than cupnoodles, frying eggs? and pancakes. :X hopefully my family wont get stomachaches later on. XD

Seems like the showing date of Gokusen is the same as Twilight - New Moon. god. is that on purpose? Actually i would be happier if Nodame Cantabile movie or MW shows in Singapore. XD

12:37 PM
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Eventhough it's freaking late. at least SOME companies made the effort to bring this movie to Singapore. as long it's JE-related stuffs. i'm happy. :D

Getting back mid-term results later on i guess. hopefully it wont be too bad. :X Considering i did study for it a few hours before the test. :)

Nodame Cantabile is a really nice jdrama. :) finished it before CodeBlue eventhough i started out with CodeBlue first. :) okay. one week should be more than enough for another jdrama right? XD

12:57 PM
Friday, September 4, 2009

Finally someone uploaded the picture! XD
love it. it's really nice overall. I wonder how many will still be going back next year. :X

Okay. today's friday. my lovely friday. you just wont know how much i love fridays. XD
sleep late, not having to care about homeworks, school or anything related. unlimited computer usage and tv watching. how good is that? :D
I wonder how this one week holiday is gonna pass. hopefully it's not wasted like the one before. :)

9:01 PM
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

wow. just the first day of september and the weather had changed so drastically. the wind is blowing so hard that i'm trying to keep my curtains down from covering my face. -.- and i'm amazed that the temperature had plunged to 25°C within a day. o.o

and seems like half the day had gone and what have i done? nothing. other than using the comp, buying lunch, washing dishes, cooking meat for maomao, washing dishes, sweeping the floor and sleeping. what else have i done for the day ah. tried doing some Amaths but gave up just at the second question. yes. i admit ive zero motivation for self-practice or revision. homework is another thing though. and now i'm back to using the comp. :)

Reaching the end of Code Blue soon. just hoping that i wouldnt get bored and abandon it in the middle of somewhere again like the previous dramas.
and i'm slowly swaying away from Code Blue to Nodame Cantabile. :X Comedy roles are still the best for Hiroki Tamaki. XD

5:16 PM


YUEQI ユエチ一 Rynn
`24.11.93; SAGGI!
currently in qihuapri>riversidesec>innovajc


♥Arashi Concerts
♥Tour around Japan.

♥Good results for Alevels

♥May all be happy&healthy