Monday, August 31, 2009 ♥

Today's the celebration for teachers' day. and's a tradition to have the RS dance competition. the funny dance i mean. quite fun. i supposed. the performance was nice. :)
and our "tradition". went back to Qihua. ms tan should be glad that so many of us are still coming back after 4years. :) who knows if we will do so for the next. :X
met up with primary school mates and caught UP. lol. couldnt find any suitable timing for other movies. funny. wasnt that touching as i thought. i couldnt even shed a tear given that i cry pretty easily. :X
and now back at home. my legs are aching and i dont even know why. :\
will update with pictures if i could even find any. :)
Saturday, August 29, 2009 ♥
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. im totally freak out by the number of ants on my table. disgusting.
eeeekkkkkkk.aarhhhggg. it's so freaking digusting.
Friday, August 28, 2009 ♥
friday. :D
Thursday, August 27, 2009 ♥
Amaths just kills my braincells and i'm not thinking straight right now. if you do not wish to see me craping about some idiotic stuffs below, i suggest that you should skip my blog and go on to another. :)
yes. and i'm freaking mad about this. my mother told me that my neighbour came and complain about maomao that it's barking is disrupting his family's life and threaten that if it continues he would have to report it. PLEASE. YOU FCUKING IDIOT. MAOMAO BARKS ONLY AT STRANGERS AND YOUR FREAKING FAMILY. and it's not like it barks 24/7.
dog barks because they sense danger. obviously it would bark when it sees an unknown person passing by. shouldnt it be weird if a dog doesnt barks at strangers!? okay. skip that fact. it only barks at your family when you passed by my house. and obviously you wouldnt be passing by like every hour? and you shut your freaking door everyday. how do you even hear it bark? AND. IT BARKS BECAUSE YOUR FCUKING SON KEEPS STOMPING AT MAOMAO. IRRITATING IT. even if maomao doesnt barks at your son, i would've been the one pissed at him and ask him to shut up before maomao does so. AND. your son's cousin is A GUY. who is i supposed around the same age as i'm or just 1-2 years younger who is so freaking scared of maomao and keeps running passed. please. you're a guy. dont be such a wimp. -.- maomao doesnt even barks at my friends who came here for the first time. isnt it just your family who doesnt wants to have contact with maomao? scared of it. irritating it. running passed it. and now complaining about it.
and obviously you wont expect my family to approach your family and say:
" Hi. this is my dog. can you let it smell your foot to familarise your smell? "
please. i believe maomao recognise your scent and it proves as a threat to him. that's why its barking. if you have make some effort to come and let maomao familarise with the smell other than escaping from it. if your freaking son doesnt irritates maomao SO MUCH.
would i even been typing all this stuffs now? -.-
yes. i'm biased and taking sides with maomao. and now i'm going to play my part and shut my door up whenever your family is passing by. -.- fcukers.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 ♥

and yes. i am obsessed with CodeBlue now. :D i'm just a drama freak. lol. although i could barely watch till the end. the only ones i managed to finish the full series are like Liar Game, BOSS and Zettai Kareshi. that's what i could remember now la. but i dont think there's any more than that. lol. pretty pathetic perseverance i have. XD
and now. i have to go back school soon for evening academy. :)
Sunday, August 23, 2009 ♥
The video making was pretty much a failure. T.T Isabel's comp crashed halfway and we lost all the stuffs we are doing for the past few hours. at least managed to get the scripts done. :) hopefully Isabel is able to complete the video in time. ganbatte! :D

oh. and i didnt know that there was actually a MW 第0章 ~悪魔のゲーム~ before the actual movie. the main cast of the one episode 'drama' i should say is actually Sato Takeru & Tamaki Hiroshi. Tamaki Hiroshi acts as the same role for the 'drama' and the movie. :) oh and it has been subbed already. :D
The weather is pretty good today. :D
For once, i can feel the wind and not the glaring sun beside my computer desk since ages ago. it's a wonder how my comp is able to withstand that heat and not breakdown. :X
Going to help out with the class video later on. if i could actually be of some help to them. there is high possibility that i would just ended up staring into space and not doing anything. XD
isnt amazing how a compilation album of old songs with just one new song managed to achieve that high sales? :) I wonder if its possible to break the millions.
Friday, August 21, 2009 ♥
" Life isnt fair. " is what i've come to learn after fifteen plus years of my life. sometimes it is, but mostly, not. :\
and finally it's friday. the end of this tiresome week. considering i survived through it pretty well. :) there isnt much to blog about since everyday is about the same. wakeup - school - home - sleep. the unbreakable daily routine. and obviously you wouldnt wanna listen to crap about school right? :X
ah. scans for Popolo&Myojo are out. off to edit them since there isnt anything else to do. :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009 ♥

If it's not for the birthday cake my mother bought, i might have seriously forgotten about my sisters' birthday today. :X what a bad sister. anyway. ended up not buying anything for them. Why are birthdays' becoming so normal for my family? presents seems to be gone nowadays. lol. anyway. Happy Birthday to them. :D
and my ulcer freaking hurts!!
As you can see, havent been blogging much this few days. Weird isnt it? I seemed to be blogging even more during prelims instead now when there isnt any. :\
Got back most of my prelims results. considering it was all last minute study, im pretty happy with the results though. :) and had Olevel English oral today. wth? seriously. after that im so sure orals the worst thing exams could ever have. :\ and what's wrong with my leg. wanted to cross it ended up kicking the teacher's table. and i bet they were jolted awake from my boring talk. :\ which makes it even worse. paying even more attention to my broken sentence, tenses error and all the kind of mistakes i could make. god. and to think that this week isnt bad enough already. :\
and another SPA tomorrow. man. weekends whereeee the heck is it?
nevermind. im taking a break now. gonna catch Himitsu later on. :)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 ♥
A. :D
Monday, August 17, 2009 ♥
Is there something wrong with msn nowadays? couldnt seem to sign in all the time. :\
ah. the start of a new week. and one which i dreaded. getting back Olevel MT results, Prelim results, Chemistry SPA and Olevel english oral. oh god. how in the world am i gonna survive this week? :( one is enough. four is just too much. :\
anyway. got back my freaking SocialStudies paper. and as expected. barely passed it. 28/50. :\ Getting 10/25 for SBQ is pretty shocking. but guess it doesnt matters anymore. it's not like i'm planning to go JC anyway. :\
just another boring day. :|
Sunday, August 16, 2009 ♥
Time's passing so slowly this few days and i wonder why. :\
Trying to complete my homeworks by today. and with the start of evening academy tomorrow. guess i'm not gonna have much free time from tomorrow onwards. what's wrong with me, ticking mon-wed. and i'm so regretting it now. :( how am i gonna survive that long in school? oh god.
one more episode and i'm done with Liar Game. :)
Saturday, August 15, 2009 ♥

Oh god. How could i forget about VSArashi today. luckily the show hasn't started yet. :)
and here i am. back to watching Liar Game. it's such a great show. why did i stop halfway last year anyway. :\ Psychological stuffs are still the best. :)
Friday, August 14, 2009 ♥

Back from the movie 吓到笑 Where got ghost? :) It's quite understandable why did those professional gave 1½ for the ratings. The plot is pretty...brief i should say. and the ending of each of the 3 stories doesnt really have an impact to me. furthermore, the ending was kinda abrupt for some. :\ oh btw. the CG sucks though. Not that i'm pro at it. just an observation of the difference between a Singapore-made film and oversea films.
Oh. but not all of it are bad stuffs. As a Singaporean, it really depicts the Singapore culture and singlish pretty well. and comedy is one thing you wouldnt miss. You could basically hear laughters throughout the film. and i believe it did some damage to my poor ears. :X Oh and the scary part? It's unavoidable not to jump at certain parts due to the freaking loud sound effects. and my heart basically hurt at a point of time. which i supposed was due to the fright. or perhaps because i'm born with a weak heart. :\
Overall i would say it wasnt that bad like what the ratings showed if you have caught Jack Neo's previous films. Otherwise, those people who didnt would be totally clueless why some are laughing so hard. :)

Didnt know that Liar Game is going to have a sequel till now. and a movie on top of that. where did i stop that time anyway? o.0
Thursday, August 13, 2009 ♥

That's what happens when you leave a angry maomao alone at home.
and i'm so glad there isnt any file checks now on. :|
Back to school after the long week break. supposed we are going to check scripts today. ended up not bringing any books to school. god knows they planned to do the checking of scripts next week. :\
Gonna catch 吓到笑 tomorrow. :) hope those reviews are wrong though. 1½ stars isnt really a good rating. :\
秘密の嵐ちゃん tonight. :) VIP Room is ♥
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 ♥

Banzai! Himitsu no Arashi-chan next thursday. 90minutes special. :)
VIP Room&Mannequin Five. :) seems like VIP Room is becoming a fixed section. :D

Monday's Shukudai-kun was ridiculously hilarious. LOL. watch and get a good laugh out of it. :)
Guess this marks the end of my holidays. :\ back to school tomorrow. what am i suppose to bring tomorrow anyway? o.o
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 ♥
My previous post somehow makes me sound like a female otaku. lol.
ah. Finished BOSS. hopefully there is a sequel to it though. :)
Is there anything i can do now to cure my boredom? :\
My arm hurts. accidentally knocked it against the table. :(
Been trying to sort out my files in my document this few days. arashi stuffs is really taking up too much space. the folder which consist of some pictures&videos already took up 8GB. and i bet it's all the concerts' fault. who would bear to delete those anyway. :X
and seems like ive been drawing alot for the past few years. edited in photoshops. attempting to colour and stuffs. lol. it's kinda funny looking back at those old drawings.

and to think ive actually made a Vampire Knight AMV. seriously. i must have had too much free time in 2008 that i could actually do so many things. :X
come to think of it. other than the arashi chibi pic. i doubt ive drawn anything else this year. :\ other than watching videos, videos and more videos.
My mother is out today. guess my lunch is gonna be some leftover sushi from yesterday night. :|
Monday, August 10, 2009 ♥
No harm clicking right? ^^
Oh great. another day spent on using computer, watching television and making sushi. nevermind. there's still 2more days left. :D
400th post since the day ive started to blog again. :)
had to say. the reason why i wanted to blog again was purely out of boredom. but was also due to some impact of Arashi. isnt that why my first post was already Arashi-related? to think it has already been about 10months since ive started blogging again and also since Arashi stepped into my world. given my 三分钟热度 personality. im quite amazed that i could be chasing after the same group for more than half a year and even so till now. it's pretty surprising. lol.
"Even if there are people who might move somewhere else, we have fans who are there for us without change. That's everything to us." (Sakurai)
TV PIA had wrote a pretty nice summary of Arashi. from the time they were born till present. even though these are all the things we've heard before but when it comes out compiled as a whole. it's really amazing. :)
Sunday, August 9, 2009 ♥
Back from SSC. caught the Japanese Idol II semi-finals. 10 contestants.
1 NEWS group, 1 KATTUN group, 1 ARASHI group, 1 Kinki solo. 4 JE songs out of 10. not bad isnt it. the last contestant really stunt us. she sang soo well that it was obvious that she could get in the finals. they had 4 finalist instead of 3 this time round. and the KATTUN group got in. at least the others tried their best. :)
took all 10 videos. but due to my stupidness&carelessness. all 10 videos were corrupted. everything was in fast-motion and there wasnt any sound. :( aww.. i tried so hard to take all 10 videos but none could work. how sad is that? :(
had teriyaki-don as dinner. i wonder if there was liquor in it. felt tired and a little dizzy afterwards. lol. ridiculous. back to causeway's CottonOn. ah. Cotton On is so much better than Uniqlo. bought a pair of shorts and went home. missed the pledge taking as i was in the toliet. lol. at least i said it in my heart? it's the thought that matters. :D
what should i do now anyway? :\

♥ Singapore 44th National Day
woo~! :)
Hopes that Singapore will continue to prosper and there will be peace&harmony for eternity. XD
Going down Semb. shopping center later on. for the Nippon fair and Japanese idol. ^^ havent been there since the renovations.
off to watch shukudai kun with SPEED. :)
Saturday, August 8, 2009 ♥
Finally get to use the computer for the day. seriously. i doubt i can survive without touching the computer for a day. it's a little exaggerated though. lol.
spent half the day shopping around Ion. and i mean window shopping. poor people totally do not belong to Ion. none of the shop seems to be non-branded. :\ Bought a long sleeved shirt from Uniqlo. was kinda disappointed at Uniqlo. the stuffs there seems to be just stuffs you can find anywhere. just that the material is undeniably good. and since it's the second day of the opening. it totally explains the crowd there. god. you totally do not want to squeeze into the shop. :\
went to Jap lesson not long after. :) ah. i'm such a happy girl to be able to learn Japanese. ^^ it totally makes my life so much more fulfilling. :)
and here i am. replaying and replaying 5x10 full version. i bet i would cry watching 5x10 when the disc is out. the lyrics are really touching. :)
and who the fcuk is living above my house. jumping/hitting/bashing/running. or whatever the fcuk they are doing. it's making the 'bang bang' sound which i could hear so freaking dam clearly. please. its already 11plus. who the fcuk will be jumping or running in the middle of the night?! crazy people. -.-
Friday, August 7, 2009 ♥

Spot the similarity between maomao and the polarbear. ^^
Had national day celebration this morning. had to say. it's unique but the worst. i did enjoy the sing along and drawing session though. XD the "parade" wowed me. -.- was expecting so much more from it. :\
it's so hot this morning and the wind is like blowing non-stop now. i really wonder how did my mother's plants managed to withstand it and not fall. :X
Arashi's 5x10 song is out. :D and it's soo freaking nice. I'm glad to be a fan of Arashi. totally. it's this kind of songs which makes you really fall in love with them. 嵐ファンで よがった。:)
Thursday, August 6, 2009 ♥

Cheers to those two birthday girls. :D hopefully this would be a memorable one for them. and their lovely presents. :) couldnt get a good shot of everything though. hopefully ting managed to get some. :) so thankful to Pizzahut for helping us to bring out the cake and play the birthday song. it was a lovely surprise (i hope). :D
anyway. what's with the freaking weather today. im sweating abnormally much even with the fan blowing right at my face. :\
okay. our last national day celebration in Riverside. and we're having it in class. no performance. no gathering. no singing. no shouting. nothing. what a nice last celebration for us. :)
guess im staying at home afterwards to catch up on my sleep and stuffs. :)

Potato mag. kyaa. how i wish those were their hairstyles for the uchiwas. this is like the only photoshot of them when they had their nicest hairstyles. esp nino. the butai one is really..............ugly. :X
Winkup ones were pretty nice too. :)
I hereby announce: " PRELIM's OVER! wooooooooo. "
omg. omg. im so excited. what should i do over this long weekend. XD
Gonna celebrate Zhao&XL's birthday later on. this should be fun. :D
argh. my stomach's grumbling already. 2more hours till lunch. god. i feel so sorry for my stomach. XD
Happy Birthday Zhao. :)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 ♥
Okay. seriously. there's still a test tomorrow and i've yet to revise unless you call flipping pages revising. then perhaps i did some. hopefully that's enough. :X
tried cooking Vermont curry for dinner requested from my mother. and with her instructions through the phone. ah. but it turned out............... edible though. but the chicken almost dissolved and turn mushy. and the curry wasnt gooey enough. the taste was alright. for a beginner like me la. :) at least ive tried? ^^

Sakuraiba~~ :D
i'm seriously running out of stuffs to do. :X
Oh man. how i love it when exams are over. :) peaceful sleeps and unlimited computer usage. :D furthermore. after tomorrow it would be a total holiday for us. XD from friday to wed. 6days without having to go to school. god. lets plan some activities during those days! Ion's Uniqlo anyone? :)

Read up on the first few pages of MyGirl manga. had to say. i really wonder how Aiba's gonna act the role out. manga & adaption sure differs right? :) interesting.
anyway. the name of the first chapter is actually Hello and Goodbye. yeah. and it totally reminds me of Aiba's solo in DAL -- Hello Goodbye. coincidental? maybe. :)

Jun you DoS. stop bullying sho. XD
VIP room was hilarious. seriously. HILARIOUS. :D
tomorrow's HnA. Mannequin with SPEED. and VIP room.
i'm totally loving VIP Room now. XD
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 ♥

maomao's still furry. :D except the paws. lol.
and it looks totally like a cross breed of a lamb and a polar bear. XD
im running out of stuffs to do. :\
there's still himitsu and shukudai left. but im too lazy to click the button and watch it.
and my mother and sisters are laughing so loud that i think its impossible for my neighbours not to hear them. all thanks to 国际交易所. :)

Orthros no Inu. :) lol. it's totally a showdown between johnnys. Tackey & Nishikido Ryo.
action based plot i guess. interesting but doubt i will last for long. supposed i will get bored sooner or later. :X detective plots are still the best though. :D
Yesterday night's shukudai looks pretty fun. :) i want rawsss~
OVER. argh. there's still thurs though. chemistry paper1. che. my paper2 was crap already. will paper1 even help? yeah. perhaps help to demoralise me further. :\
im so gonna use comp the whole day. :)
spam videos. musics and everything. :)
Monday, August 3, 2009 ♥
My Girl. Aiba-chan's drama. finally! :)
though im kinda sad it's under AsahiTV. Asahi shows arent really...interesting. :\ i dont mean much. but seriously. ive never watch one episode of Uta no Oniisan. it totally doesnt appeals to me. :| Prove me wrong, My Girl. :)
Nino's SP drama in September. Aiba's My Girl in October. :) hopefully there will be some members cameo appearance in My Girl just like the other shows. :)
btw. there seems to be looots of news about DBSK. possibility of splitting up. :( how i wish they would continue as a group. at least. they were the first korean group i ever like. and even so till now. :) it would be a total pity if DBSK left the music industry.
ah. enough blogging.
one more day to survive before i can relax. hehe. thursday one shouldnt be too hard right? :X
Sunday, August 2, 2009 ♥
oh god. it's 3 plus already. and ive yet to revise at all. :\
just three more days of exams. shouldnt be hard to survive through i guess. :)
btw. BOSS episode9 subs are out and Orthros no Inu episode 1. :DD
why do i feel that there will definitely be solos during Arashi 5x10 concert. perhaps they may be singing their previous solos. and including those in the discs seems to be a total waste of space. just hope that there will be solos during the con. and hopefully those are new ones. :)
great. off to mug now. :\

Ah. Maomao is going for a haircut this afternoon. guess that's the last shot of him when its furry. :( so much cuter isnt it?
spent the past two days slacking around. lying on the bed. using the computer trying to figure out Aegisub. watching videos&stuffs. come to think of it. ive not even touch anything related to schoolwork for the past two days. :\ and prelim's still going on tomorrow. crap. nevermind. i will study when ive the mood to do so. :)
Japanese Idol next sunday. obviously im going to 'support' JE. :D
Saturday, August 1, 2009 ♥
I wonder what's wrong with me today. feeling so pissed off at everything.
at least much better now. not like moments ago when i almost felt like pulling all my hair out. :\
ah. today is the start of Intermediate2. to think we have been learning japanese for so long already. :) but still cant communicate yet. :( how pathetic. nevermind. at least im sure ive learnt something. reading and writing shouldnt be a problem i guess. :)
been fiddling about with Aegisub. and there's sooo much to learn for subbing. just like blogging templates and stuffs. just more complicated. but its so fun. :D at least i know how to add fades to the subtitles and stuffs now. :)
Anyway. today's XinLing's birthday.
Happy Birthday. :)