Friday, July 31, 2009 ♥
how wonderful is it to sit infront of the computer and type non-stop without having to stare at the clock every now and then. thinking when should i stop using and start revising. :)
at least i finally get to do so. after surviving this one long week of papers which almost made me banged the wall when i just saw the first few questions.
and finally i can watch BOSS in peace. :)
BOSS has a much better plot as compared to MR. Brain and that's for sure. and a much more interesting&intriguing one. Episode 6 is still a favourite with the plot about a genius 16-years old student killing her teacher. interesting isnt it? :D
unless MR.Brain actually has a sequel which would make alot more sense with the uncountable number of calefares (and i didnt know that there was actually no such word 'calefare' in dictionary. it was just a part of Singlish.). At least BOSS has a limited number of actors who does have some important roles to do other than walking around the place.
although i really love the part in MR.Brain where they teaches tricks&stuffs about our brain which is really cool. XD
秘密の嵐ちゃん. VIP room. whereee's the raw? o.o
Thursday, July 30, 2009 ♥
Feel so weird not blogging for yesterday. guess it has already become part of my life. :)
socialstudies. Amaths. and physics today.
which one am i actually gonna score?! all three are like craps. physics&Amaths are totally killers.
i would be glad if i can even pass it. :\ there's still another paper for Amaths. please. cant they actually spare a thought for us and dont put two subjects on the same day. especially socialstudies and Amaths. where you will definitely flunk one of it if its on the same day. :\
anyway. did some revision on poa&emaths just now with others. all thanks to Jerica. we actually spend 1hour on just one question for emaths. lol. but at least managed to do some revision and im glad about that already. :)
cant tomorrow just come faster. :\ then i can relax and continue my BOSS. XD instead of having to mug all day. :(
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 ♥
Phone sent for repairs. aw. i miss my phone. :(
At last. geog&em1 is finally over. :) and im glad my wishes have come true. :) its up to me how i answer them right. therefore im fine even if my results sucks for humanities. since ive already tried my best and chunk everything i know. だから、大丈夫ですよ。
im pretty much more worried about SS though. everyone keeps asking "what if Venice doesnt comes out? what if Venice doesnt comes out?" and i can already picture the scene if Venice doesnt comes out tomorrow. there will be many shocked faces and blank papers. :\ and what about my Amaths. haiz. differentiation&integration still sucks. :\
nevermind. lets relax and watch some BOSS for now. :) studying comes later. :)
Monday, July 27, 2009 ♥
BOSS is so nice. and im getting so hooked on to it. :X
nonono. gottta stop now. if not im seriously gonna flunk my papers tomorrow. :\
Sunday, July 26, 2009 ♥
It's a miracle ive so much energy at night. :) im sooo glad there's no MT prelim tomorrow. must be one of the only good news on prelims. :)
somehow. where do i get the confidence that Venice would definitely come out for prelims? :X i dont really feel like reading up the other chapters. anyway ive yet to complete even Venice. dont even mention the rest. guess thats how it works. do or die. if it comes out then good lor. if it doesnt then bye-ss.
at least im trying hard for my maths. :) and im proud of that. ^^ tried the EMaths paper 1 from the assessment book. 56/80. eh. okay la. just nice A2. with careless here and there. but im glad it remains above A. :)
and since my mother actually allows me to use the comp at this point of time. im gonna spam dramas. BOSS here i come! :D

BOSS. seems like ive neglected this show. and it also has a detective based plot. :)
why do i always get caught up with dramas just when my exams are going on. :X
though i'm gonna flunk my prelim anyway. :\
okay. i'm gonna work hard for my maths.sciences&poa. others. just let it be. guess it's too late to do anything now. and neither do i have the mood to do so. :\
Sunday. Sunday. Sunday.
crap. have to study my stupid humanities soon. :\
Nino's AU CM is still the nicest.XD the kungfu fishing part is so dam cute. LOL.
anyway. speaking of nino. what's with his hair? o.o if that's gonna last till the concerts. the fans might cry when they see Nino's uchiwa. :X

Saw this on 盧家宜 vox.
Strangers on a Train BBC radio play which Nino's butai will be based on.
i really wonder how Nino's gonna play the role of Bruno. aggressive!Nino. please release it on DVD. *prays*

Saturday, July 25, 2009 ♥

credit to 盧家宜
VS Arashi tomorrow on 26時間. live broadcast.
consists of PinBall Runner - Rolling Coin Tower - Cliff Climber - Falling Pipes.
all of the best games. :) a must watch. :)
and i almost forgot today's test consist of both oral&written. :X ORAL. god. i hate orals. english chinese japanese. whatever language it is. :\ and ive yet to memorise the notes.
guess im only left with sunday&monday to memorise all my notes on geography. is that even possible? guess not. to think ive yet to even memorise one chapter. :\ this is just suicide.
Friday, July 24, 2009 ♥

Happy Birthday XinYing. :) since she has already gotten the presents. guess i could post it.
it's really thoughtful. and beautifully decorated. :) she must be really touched. XD
Today just wasnt really a good day. my health is really taking a toll for the worst. with flu&sorethroat. freezing fingers. fever shouldnt be far away now. not that im pessimistic but this has just been the routine i had since young. :\ how am i gonna take my prelims in such conditions anyway? :( crap.
btw. my phone's speaker is a goner. T.T im so so sad. :( it's so precious to me.
oh. and did i mention today was the start of our prelims. english. i think i wrote a really crappy compo. :\ and tomorrow's the last day for our jap lessons. which means another test. haiz. i dont really have to mood to do anything now anyway. :(
man. i want my health back. :(
Thursday, July 23, 2009 ♥
Sprained my left thumb this morning. all thanks to the muddy&slippery field. now i can barely bend it forward nor back. :\ luckily there's still four other fingers for me to hold the pen. otherwise.... good luck to me tomorrow. :X
Prelim's starting tomorrow. and am i ready for it? NO.
betting my all on Venice for socialstudies. if that doesnt comes out. i can prepare to fail it. :\
i'm trying to cut down on my comp usage. really. 2hours isnt much right? :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 ♥

Ah... why the heck is this year's MT Olevel so freaking hard? :(
even the easiest, listening, was like crap. haiz. and i am seriously not gonna retake MT again if it's a B3. :\
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 ♥

EPIC. LOL. bernice.
this must be the most hilarous picture for the day. :D
it's nice seeing everyone wearing traditional costumes. for sake. its our last year. just wear it. :) although it felt like sauna and with the scorching sun. god. :\ but still. guess this year is much better than the last. :)
ah~ i want the class photos~ :)
Do you believe i can stop using the computer at 5? i doubt myself too.
but with the amount of chemistry. guess i'll have no choice but to do so. :X

ah. maomao. stuffing his head under the chair. kawaii deshou~ :)
sometimes. i wonder if maomao has a profile. what will it be? XD
Mixed ( combination of maltese and unknown )
To sleep&bark.
Disturb people with its favourite ball.
Lie on top of the pile of worksheets you are trying to complete.
Pear & whatever food we humans eat.
Certain dogfoods.
& especially the Garang-guni man.
Yeah. guess that's about it. XD

Aww. didnt watch any arashi-related stuff today. :(
Monday, July 20, 2009 ♥
Good thing(s) --
• No supps for the week = More time to spend.
Bad things --
• extra time =/= spending more time on schoolwork.
• 4 more days to Prelim. and it doesnt seems to have much effect on me. :\
• ive yet to touch any of my humanities.
• and barely for the rest. :X
okay. so. now what? :\
Sunday, July 19, 2009 ♥
Okay. it's sunday. a day for my revision. and Amaths is killing me. what's with the differentiation and integration? :\
Didnt mention this before. but there's a live-action movie BECK starring Mizushima Hiro and Sato Takeru. went to check up on it. almost half the main casts are from Mei-chan no Shitsuji. 0.0
remember the guy who acts as Shinobu? Lucia's butler. He's one of the main cast of the band. and the girl who 'checks' for spiritual stuffs with her butler? and acts in Majo Saiban too. She's one of the main actress. :)
more information&pictures can be found here.
With the strong casts. hopefully this will be one nice movie for Fall 2010. :)
Saturday, July 18, 2009 ♥
Ah~ had my last Jap lesson before the Intermediate 1 test next week. man. guess im gonna continue it though there's prelim. please dont deprive me of my only interest. :\

Sis went to NDP tonight. かばんは超きれい!
both sling&shoulder bag. at least the sponsor logos arent really that obvious like mine. -.- and you can just get rid of the cover and use it as a shoulder bag. :) how cool. it's really nice compared to mine. and my other sis who was the year that gotten the paper bag. LOL.

Ahhh. finally. Nino as host. and a freaking cute one at least. ^^ though he has only 1min45sec of guest appearance. and the postcards&pamphlet of his Butai. god. the pamphlet looks really nice. :) and the story plot seems intriguing. hopefully for Nino's first Butai in like 4years. this will be release as a DVD. :)
Friday, July 17, 2009 ♥

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince . actually does it matters who is the half-blood prince? it doesnt makes much difference to me. parts were hilarous. there wasnt much romance though.but still. i couldnt help to compare it with Goblet of Fire which still remains as the best of the series in my opinion. :) This is pretty much just the beginning of the next story i guess. which i hope would be much more exciting. :)
my brain seriously cant take a whole school day of work. and watching a movie afterwards. it's barely considered 'relaxing'. and i feel like im gonna fall asleep any sooner now. :\
ah. I shouldnt be alive. :)
Thursday, July 16, 2009 ♥
omg. how lucky are we? managed to get the movie tickets with 40% discount. XD
prelims in 7more days. just like what our teachers say. not motivated. lazy. what so ever.
it's true you know. im not say for the whole class. but for myself. i dont find myself motivated for the exams. 7days. it's just one more week. and what do i feel? nothing. not even a sense of urgency. :\ perhaps because it's just prelims. but still. god. ive a feeling that im totally gonna flunk my humanities. :\
and still. using comp daily. :X
Gackt on VS Arashi subbed. :)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 ♥
Sneak home. does it matters even if my papers arent checked? at least ive done it. and i dont wanna waste time waiting for him to do so. :\
Oh god. i have totally forgotten about Mr.Brain finale. feel so bad about forgetting it. :\ seems like the average rating was 20%. :) deserves it well enough.
Heaven's Door DVD should be out by now. wheresss Nino? o.o
Ah... MW really looks interesting. How i wish Singapore has a Japan Film Festival instead of just a Korean one. :\
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 ♥
To daddy.
Happy birthday. :)
hah. there's no way he will ever come to my blog though. :\ didnt have time to buy present for him. guilty. hopefully my mother remembers to buy a cake. then fork out some money for it bah. :D
finally physics SPAs are over. one more chemistry to go. :) and there's mock tomorrow.
i will study for it. i will study for it. i will study for it.
this method better work. :X
and guess i wont be using comp anymore tonight. :(
嵐の宿題くん was hilarous btw. XD

( Nino you're so gonna get it from Ohno later on. XD )
Monday, July 13, 2009 ♥
English oral. english still seems to be easier than chinese. eventhough im always speaking in chinese. :X conversation still sucks though.

Saw this on jefc_sg. Japanese Idol II. nonono. im not gonna be participating in it. perhaps going to watch it. lol. if someone actually sings Arashi songs. i might be cheering for that person. ^^ just hope that its not late at night. since its on sunday. and there's stupid prelim the next day. :\
Sunday, July 12, 2009 ♥
Finally there's a day i can revise my maths. :) yet i forgot that there's physics and chemistry to be done. crap. gone. my night time is gone. :\
was watching TheShounenClub. lol. it was totally a johnnys' episode.
Hey!Say!Jump. Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow. TegoMasu. and Koyama the regular MC. :)
ah. if i wasnt after Arashi. it would most probably be HSJ or NEWS. but guess they still have a long way to go. XD
but still. what's with the Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow unit. giving whole attention to Nakayama. yet the other 4 performed another song 'Lalalila'. and the lyrics are pretty...sarcastic. from my point of view la. below is part of the lyrics.
“ やってやるよ、4人いれば十分だぜ!”
" We can do it. Four of us is plenty! "
some says that NY w/ BI Shadow will be split into two groups. Nakayama as one. and BI Shadow the other. okay. just how united are they? -.- though i pretty like the song NYC Boys sang. :X
Saturday, July 11, 2009 ♥
Man. im tired. :\
waking up at 8 and doing homework from 9 isnt really a good choice. but that's all the time i have on saturdays for homeworks&stuffs. at least managed to complete some stuffs. :) and there's a little sense of achievement. :D
still thinking whether to continue Intermediate2. :X seriously. will it affect my prelim results? just because i spend a saturday noon till night studying japanese? surly it does reduce my time for studying. but will i even study first? i doubt so. :\
ah. bored.
Friday, July 10, 2009 ♥

MW. starring Hiroshi Tamaki and Takayuki Yamada. :)
When a top secret chemical compound called MW infects an island near Okinawa, the military is sent in to kill all the victims and cover up the incident. A survivor named Michio Yuki (Hiroshi Tamaki) grows up to become a highly-successful banker, but he is slowly being driven mad by the effects of MW. After committing a series of ruthless crimes to get revenge against the people responsible for the cover-up, he decides that the only way to truly get revenge is to unleash MW on the world and exterminate the entire human race. Takayuki Yamada stars as Father Garai, a priest desperately trying to save Michios soul—and possibly his own in the process—but not necessarily doing much to stop the crime spree.
It does have an interesting plot. but seriously. it was the picture that caught my attention. XD too bad the movie isnt shown in Singapore. :\
Actually it wasnt that hard to get 5comments for english as i thought. :) thanks for the help from others. :)
and finally its friday. it's hard not to be looking forward to friday since monday. :\
homeworks are piling up. and i dont even have time to start my revision. if im willing to spend some of my time doing it rather than using the comp. perhaps there will be enough time. :X
i still cant seem to stop using and it's so obvious that im already addicted to it. :X
HSJ on Shounen Club. HSJ wo Abake! after watching NEWS one. i seriously love this section. blindfolds and squeeky voices. gossips about one another. and now HSJ. :D will Arashi ever get a chance too? :)
Thursday, July 9, 2009 ♥
LOL. the chinese version of HYD-Boys over flower. and they are called 'H4' instead of F4. the guy acting Rui doesnt seems so bad. :) but man. why are there so many version nowadays. perhaps not long you will see this chinese version on channelU. yet so little attention was given to Jap's HanaYoriDango. :(
god. whose idiotic child is running outside my house. it's making maomao bark like mad. i want some peace please. -.-
had amaths mock test again. and im flunking this one. for sure. getting 30 and below wont even be surprising. only 2 week left till prelim. with such results and no revision done yet. hah- let's see what im gonna 'achieve' this time round. :)
is 2hours of computer a day considered alot? i totally dont find it alot though. :\ but it just seems like ive so little time left to spend on my schoolwork even when im only spending 2hours on the comp. where the hell did my remaining 22hours went? -.-
ダメ嵐&Mannequin5 tonight. ♥
Wednesday, July 8, 2009 ♥
Lalala. im bored. :\ Wanted to play Word Challenge in Facebook but failed. That's like the only thing im interested in facebook and i cant play it. :(
Had the PISA survey. lol. whole bunch of funny questions. Is there actually any benefit of doing it anyway? o.o had to forgo supps. and ended up with more homeworks. :|
TegoMasu single release today. :)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 ♥
Arashi currently manipulates the oricon singles chart. with 1st, 2nd and 3rd. :D how amazing is that? hopefully they are able to maintain throughout the year. :)
Koishite Akuma tonight. :)
悔しい。 I know its over already but there's no way i wont feel sad about my own performance right? :\ Its not like ive never heard of the topic before. actually i never did. till like last week when we got assigned to the library. and just so coincidentally, the teacher did go through the same topic. TT and that's why i'm regretting. what's with my mouth anyway. words coming out are not making any sense. pauses are longer than some speeches. and with a empty, white mind. how am i able to perform well? :( regrets.
Im sad. really. its worst than i expected. and my expectations wasnt even high already. :\
I guess it's a Merit?
Monday, July 6, 2009 ♥
Monday already. Chinese Oral tomorrow. :\ at least let me get a A2. i dont really care about getting A1. but just not B3 again. :( Hopefully tomorrow i wont be blogging about how much my oral sucks again.
君はどこにいて 誰とどこにいて
Kimi wa doko ni ite Dare to doko ni ite
Where are you? Who are you with?
どんな服を着て 何して笑ってるんだろう
Donna fuku wo kite Nani shite waratterun darou
What kind of clothes are you wearing? What are you doing and laughing at?
僕はここにいて 今もここにいて
Boku wa koko ni ite Ima mo koko ni ite
I am here. Even now, I am here.
君と二人でまた 会えると信じているよ
Kimi to futari de mata Aeru to shinjiteiru yo
I still believe that we will see each other again.
変わらず思っているよ 君だけ思っているよ
Kawarazu omotteiru yo Kimi dake omotteiru yo
The feeling won't change, you are the only one i am thinking of.
♥ Stand by U lyrics. by tvxqfever.
Oh god. I just did 5hours of maths. obviously there's breaks in between. XD and it's killing me even with help around. i am so gonna enjoy tonight and reward myself with Arashi videos. XD
oh. anyway. heard that there's H1N1 case in 4/8. Guess it wont be long till it spreads to other places. at least let me have my oral tomorrow peacefully? :X
Sunday, July 5, 2009 ♥
It's amazing how many people around me have started restricting themselves from using the computer. i wonder when would that applies to me. when would i stop using? :\
and here i am. still counting the days for new jdramas to broadcast. :X
Koishite Akuma. definitely on my watchlist. :)
seriously. Nakayama looks nicer when he's acting. at least he doesnt gives off that scary vibe. perhaps due to his huge eyes. :X
♥ Music Lovers tonight with songs including 「Step and Go」、「Everything」、「ハダシの未来」、「season」 & 「明日の記憶」. omg. so dam looking forward to it. :D
God.. im still doing english homework. believe it or not. ive been doing it since 2pm. marking here and there. writing compo. there's still chemistry and maths. oh and did i mention POA? :\

perhaps im missing their old haistyles after seeing scans from NikkiTrendy. :X
i rather Nino's hairstyle in WinkUp than the one he has for his butai's. :\
hit my target for I1's midterm test. so did Buff. :) what a relief. at least i wont have to spend too much time on the last test. :) anyway, should i continue to I2? :X
im soooo glad tomorrow's youth day. there's so much stuffs needs to be done. and so much shows i wanna watch. let's just finish all the freaking homeworks first. :)
Saturday, July 4, 2009 ♥

One week has passed. i dont find it particularly fast or slow though.
weekends are definitely the best. :) at least i am able to sleep peacefully throughout without having to climb out of bed at 6am.
there isnt much to do today. and neither am i interested in doing homeworks. :\
Man. there's really lots of stuffs to do during this 'long' weekend. why do school always calls it'long' weekend eventhough there's only one extra day. o.o
Gonna get our I1 midterm test results later on. hopefully 80 above? :D
Friday, July 3, 2009 ♥
My throat's getting kinda sore. hopefully some honey&water helps it. :\ i still have olevel chinese oral this coming tuesday.
speaking of oral. today's question was youth olympic. :(((( i was praying for that question. its really sad. moreover im the first person on tuesday which means im directly the next person from the last one of today's. how saddening is that? :\
Oh god. what can i say? just pray that im not mute that day.
sometimes. i feel that we are always wronged by others. :\
Anyway. Music Station tonight. :) something joyous at least. Arashi&DBSK is enough to make my day. :)
Thursday, July 2, 2009 ♥

Yeah. as expected. the sales did drop. at least there's still 80k. :) Stand by U drop to around 20k. its still second though. luckily. :)
kinda sad that Everything official photos wasnt really nice. im refering to group shots. didnt bother to browse others. with the beautiful lightings and sunsets. why did the pictures turn out so...weird...? :(
Man. Amaths today. im seriously flunking Amaths. wad the hell is differentiation, integration and the other alien stuffs. i dont remember a thing. :\ without help. i doubt i can do more than half the paper. when did i start losing interest in amaths? :(
秘密の嵐ちゃん tonight. :)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 ♥

Day1 sales -- 135 053. :)
pretty good though didnt break the 200k mark. i was hoping that Everything would get 3rd but guess its kinda hard now. since Ai no Mama de is pretty high. guess this is the problem of releasing 2 singles within this short period of time. the fans are pretty broke by now. :X
Anyway. DBSK - Stand by U first day sales was 94 838. :) its quite good too.
Music Station 2hours this friday with Arashi&DBSK. :DDD
hmm. lessons today were sort of okay. at least my eyelids arent closing and my head isnt falling. :)