Thursday, April 30, 2009 ♥
Crazy Moon is ♥♥♥♥♥. :)
haiz. just screamed at my sis again. :\ irritating brats.
its a miracle that my fist hasnt come into contact with them yet.
and when it does. i will ended up feeling guilty over it later on.
what the heck is this feeling man. :\
Missed 秘密の嵐ちゃん. :(
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 ♥

Ultra Strong Game is freaking amazing! XD
its just like a combination of Ninja warriors & Amazing race. perhaps a lil of Survivor i guess. :D freaking awesome!
how i wish they would have another game like this again. :)
nino's hairstyle just sucks. :X
Friday is something to look forward to. :) finally.
AHHHH. Ultra Strong Game has been subbed!
off to download it. :)
i doubt there's much to talk about school.
since the same things just keeps going over and over again everyweek. :\
「24時間テレビ」 features NEWS this year. :D
kinda glad its not Arashi though. :X
since most likely gonna miss everything due to Olevels. :(
Monday, April 27, 2009 ♥
Utaban performance was stunning. :D
the pure dance part must be one of the best dance Arashi ever did. :)
now. all i have to do is find a HQ version. :D
First day of the week. and im feeling the stress already. :\
yeah yeah. Olevels are approaching. i know that. everyone knows that.
worst. Chinese&English Olevels are just like a few months away. :\
seriously. i need to start revising soon. :\
May2nd -- you will be the start of my revision. :)
i will cut down on everything to revise.
but now. just let me enjoy till then. :X
If only there are lesser homeworks.
If only we can choose to study stuffs we are interested in.
If only a week has 8days. 3 for rest. 5 to work.
If only a day has more than 24hours.
If only the things mentioned above are true. :(
Sunday, April 26, 2009 ♥
Sunday's are the best! for now..
slept until 10 without any disturbance or school. omg. i'm lovin Sundays. :D
" .... Sho: You need to do something about your logic of "treasures belongings equals pure heart"...Aiba: No, but, I can't rank you guys if I don't consider it that way.Sho: Then, why are YOU sitting there?Aiba: See, for me... I'm willing to do anything for you guys!Nino: Who the hell cares!? .... " HEREHAHA. poor aiba-chan. XD got scolded by nino again.
Saturday, April 25, 2009 ♥
Aww. today is the last choir session. :\
speak the truth. its quite impossible to not feel any sadness. :(
afterall. we've been there for like 4years? its even longer then the time u spend with ur classmates. :X
Okay. Good luck to all choir juniors. :) Get a gold for the next SYF. XD
Thursday, April 23, 2009 ♥
Ah shucks. conductor told us that we could actually get a low gold if we were placed on the second day slots. :\
who cares if its low. as least there's the word "gold". the third day was just too strict. :(
haiz.. no point regretting about it anymore. at least we tried our best and there's actually a possibility of getting a low gold. :)
we managed to achieve that standard within like 4months? thats just so freaking little time.
be proud that we actually managed to get such a result. :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 ♥
HAHAHA. 秘密の嵐ちゃん preview from arashinino. HERE.
aiba actually fell off the chair! LOL. XD
Obsessed with TheQuizShow. :)
" 私は、あなたの全てを知っています。"
Oh god. This must be one of the hottest Earth Day. :\
with the scorching sun. and my computer just beside the window.
feels like i'll be roasted any moment. :X
global warming. green house effects. :\
and xL just told me about a news article today.
that there will be a crisis 3years from now.
something that will cause many to die. o.o
please... i dont wish to die yet. there so much i still wanna do. :\
and i totally wont wish to die this early.
when ive spend half of my life in school studying craps. -.-
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 ♥
Crazy Moon~ キミ ハ ムテキ short few seconds preview is out at OnlyJun.
not as amazing as i thought. :\ but overall is kinda nice. :)
just that the background seemed kinda cheapskate. :X
Homeworks and more homeworks. :(
Had Speech Day Rehersal today.
first time watching modern dance syf performance.
i think it wasnt as good as the one they performed on the actual day.
plus our school stage is so pathetically small& the lightings just sucks. :\
is there any footage of that actual performance? :D
Off to watch AnS. :D
Monday, April 20, 2009 ♥
Tonight's Arashi no Shukudai kun. :)
..... "Expression Contest"
They had to make an expression that was read on the title
such as "The ball hit your private area when playing baseball"(Pic on top )
"Being scared when a gun was pointed at you" (Small pic with Nino chan and Aiba chan)
"A guy from an tropical Island seeing snow for the first time" (Sho chan and Jun kun)
and "Deliver a final blow to the alien that came to invade earth"(Ohchan and Shido san)
from onlyjun.
HAHA. this is gonna be freaking hilarous. hopefully. XD
What the hell is wrong with livejournals? i cant get into any livejournal pages. >:
oh. Ratings for episode1 of スマイル and The Quiz Show are quite good. :D
Sunday, April 19, 2009 ♥
oh god. im sweating like mad again. :\
Why do i keep thinking that today is saturday. :X
wake up man. there's school tomorrow.
冷笑话 that i heard on 周日八点党. :)
cant remember the whole thing but guess this is about it. :X
小明打开前门时, "啊!"
他看到一具死尸, 吓了一跳.
小明想: "前门不能走就走后门吧."
当小明打开后门, "啊!"
答案: 萧何 和 梁山伯
"♪ 我家门前有小河(萧何)
后面有山坡(山伯) "
Saturday, April 18, 2009 ♥
Watched 17again. :) its nice. even though ratings arent high.
personally. i prefer this much more to highschoolmusical. :)
its just a simple plot which isnt that...amazing. some parts are quite predictable.
but its simple and nice. filled with lots of comedy. XD
you should be laughing almost throughout the middle of the show. XD
unless its due to my over-active laughing cells. :X
Spoilers: Zac Efron is freaking hot in the show. XD
スマイル is out. :) have yet to watch it though. :\
The Quiz Show should be out soon too. :)
明日の記憶 is a really wonderful song. :)
u can listen to the cut from The Quiz Show HERE. :)
Crazy Moon~キミ ハ ムテキ&明日の記憶 is gonna sell like hotcakes. :D
ahhhh. stupid freaking hot weather. :\
will i be able to lose any fats if i kept sweating like this? -.-
if yes. i dont mind sweating this much. XD
スマイル episode 1 is out. :)
Friday, April 17, 2009 ♥
Crap. still have to do tons of homeworks. :\
physics tomorrow morning. please...cant i have a nice long sleep?
just when i thought maths is comes physics. hah. nice one. -.-
We got a SILVER. :)
not bad. at least we tried out best. :D
good job choir. :)
results out in about 2hours time.
please let us get at least a silver. *prays hard*
personally i find that we did quite well. :)
Thursday, April 16, 2009 ♥
Door to Door hardsub is out at stormyteam already! :D Goody~
Ah~ What should i download? Dream LIVE or Door to Door?
Each has more than 10parts.......:X
Congratulations to Modern Dancers for getting Gold with Honours! ^^
tomorrow is our turn. :)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 ♥

AHAHAHA. 嵐の宿題くんは すげ面白かったです!^^
freaking hilarious. lol.
which group will mention オッパイ on national tv for like countless times?
and also showcases オッパイpudding? XD
seems like お金がないSP does helps to save money.
looks like they bought new sofas. :)
but is it that uncomfortable that they chose to sit on the floor? lol.
wanted to make GIF but seems like ImageReady doesnt want to :\
Monday, April 13, 2009 ♥
Passed E2. :D Banzai! same to Buff! ^^
Went VCH for rehersal today. only for 1 pathetic hour. :\
felt kinda moody today... dont feel like doing any homework..
just let it pile up man. i will do it when i feel like doing. :\
people say " your attitude towards the day is the attitude towards you " or something like that? o.o we supposed to be happy and looking forward to the day.
when i'm actually feeling the opposite. -.-
changing the attitude only affects the appearance anyway...:\
Sunday, April 12, 2009 ♥
OH PLEASE. LET US PASS E2. *prays like mad*
Saturday, April 11, 2009 ♥
Obsessed with Kindaichi season 3. with chibi jun. XD
freaking love his hairstyle. :D
and to think ive been watching this on channel8 since i was like in primary school. O.O
♪ムテキ~ ♪
Crazy Moon is nice. :)
Feels weird that someone else also had already ksubbed Subarashiki Sekai. :\
E2 test tomorrow...
okay..conclusion: i do not have as much confidence for this test than E1. :\
there isnt enough time to really study through everything.
and here i am still using the computer. :X haha. *prays hard for a pass*
Friday, April 10, 2009 ♥
Was wondering when was the last time i was able to sleep all the way to 10 in the morning?
when was the last time i ate roti prata with my family?
it just felt so long... :\
Revised Jap notes with Buff. tenses and stuffs are so hard. :(
at least there's one more day till the test. :)
Thursday, April 9, 2009 ♥
Wonder if should be angry or happy that it really rained. but guess i am happier that it did. :D
eventhough we had already run one round around the stadium. :\
been praying for it to rain since morning.
sorry if i sounded bad or something.
but do you think i'll have the mood to run in the afternoon when we could have been at home sleeping or going out with friends. :X and i cant imagine the muddy field. :\
it's not like its school period or something. its just taking up our free time instead. :\
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 ♥
stupid google. :\
NEWS 恋のABO PV is out. :D
♪ 恋よ、恋よ、恋のABO ♪
seriously. the song sounds so stupid when i first heard it. :X
but actually it was kinda cute&funky. XD
Tuesday, April 7, 2009 ♥
Muscle aches here and there. :\
i totally felt like ive aged alot. :X
Oh god. 明日の記憶・Crazy Moon's cover is so nice. :)
i wonder when will the preview version of the PV be out? o.o
Monday, April 6, 2009 ♥
OH~ so that infamous GIF is from MMA episode45. O.O
ah.. this must be one of my worst PFT. :\
pathetic sit&reach. :(
still figuring how to use Renoir. :)
Sunday, April 5, 2009 ♥

POTATO really is so nice. :D
school tomorrow. :\
oh god. there's PE tomorrow. :X my poor legs.....

OH GOD. POTATO is ♥♥♥♥♥
scans by arashinino. :)
One more week to E2 test. :X
oh my. when will i have the time to revise for it!? :\
Bought Renoir in the end. :)
Saturday, April 4, 2009 ♥
InkHeart is such a nice fantasy movie! :D
it looks kinda childish but actually the graphics are kinda cool. XD
at least it doesnt looks too fake. :)
Feels so good after bathing. XD
Had Sports carnival "makeup" for today. :)
i guess everyone did try their best. thats all that matters. :)
and we had fun! :D
But it did rain in the end. :X
Wonder if any nice pictures were taken? :D
though a lil unhappy bout some stuffs. why cant they let us have substitution. :\
if they make this sports carnival not compulsory.
obviously some people wont come or perhaps couldnt make it.
it's like as though if you dont come. it means 1member less from the team.
it feels to me like we are kinda forced to go. :X
some of us couldnt make it due to cca or valid reasons.
do you think we want that? perhaps some...
But it's not like everyone can make it on a freaking saturday. :\
please... it's not even a school day. -.-
Okay. thats just what i feel. :X
Thursday, April 2, 2009 ♥

Saw this gif on fivesomeaday. :)
dont you think it's kinda heartwarming? 嵐の絆。:)
i suggest that you do not look at the gif for too long.
in case you get a headache. XD i dint know that the gif will move that fast!
Seems like Arashi got to sing the theme song for Sho's The Quiz Show. :D
明日の記憶 nice title. :)
Sho&Yokoyama Yu from Kanjani∞ clashes. o.o! scan by marjae770
somehow. Sho looks nice in that white shirt(?). XD
this looks more interesting than Smile. XD
A preview from the coming Arashi no Shukudai episode on 6thApril.
Ah~ wooden horses arent a good game for guys.
esp. when you have bad experiences like ohmiya. XD
Read from somewhere that Sho may be appearing on Tensai! Shimura Doubutsuen either this coming sat or the next.
but how come there's almost no news about it. o.o wonder if it's true. :\
hope it is though. :)
kinda bored....
is my life only filled with schooling and homeworks?
is that all...?
im getting sick of it. :\
but guess i'll still have to get at least a good result for Olevels...
at least...thats what we all have worked for. for this 4years...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 ♥
200th post. :)
with the past 199th one filled with arashi stuffs. XD
and guess it's gonna continue so. XD

how cute can those 2 get? XD
AnS really made me laugh lots. :)
with Degawa-san as the guest. XD *gunshot*