Tuesday, March 31, 2009 ♥

Banzai! finished karaoke subbing Tomadoi Nagara. :)
a really simple one. since thats all i know. :X
nino's smile is really cute. XD
Off to study for physics SPA. :) wish me luck. XD
17more days to SYF. :X
Am i dumb or something?! i actually mistook physic SPA to be today. -.-
ended up not doing any other homework yesterday and just read physic stuffs.
I even went to sleep at 10. wth!? had to sacrificed my computer time too. *cries*
and..... i found out that physic SPA was supposed to be tomorrow. -.-!
should have spend more time using the comp or do my work yesterday. :(
seems like im gonna sacrifice more computer time to revise for SPA again. *cries even more*
Nino's Door to Door seems to be out already. :) 1GB.......
off to continue ksub Tomadoi Nagara. or perhaps watch the MC. :)
Sunday, March 29, 2009 ♥
Lolli Lolli Lollipop~ ♪
listening to yes933. Lollipop by BigBang and 21. :)
have i heard that song somewhere before? o.o sounds familar.
今朝 にほんごのレッスンに いきました。:)
oh seems like its playing a song from BoysOverFlower now. :D
Obesesed with K-subbing recently. XD
finished subbing Love Situation and RockYou from TIME. :)
off to continue k-sub Tomadoi Nagara from AAA. :D
Subarashiki Sekai. Still... and Tomadoi Nagara are love. XD
wooo! Believe&Kumori Nochi Kaisei is still 4th on the weekly ranking. スゴイ。
Saturday, March 28, 2009 ♥

Ah~ AAA Kokuritsu is really amazing. :)
never expected it to be that nice. :D
who says raining is bad for a concert? unless it rains from the start. -.-
arashi made it as fun as possible. :D
Kokuritsu. :) 最高。
Finally there's time to use the comp. :D
Busy doing my Jap notes and homework.
and falling asleep on the floor. :X
i never knew that the floor is so nice to sleep on. XD
Had choir this morning. :)
5-7 more practice to the actual day. o.o
oh god. i do hope we can get at least a silver. :X
the viewing yesterday wasnt so bad.
quite alot of attire problems though. :\
Friday, March 27, 2009 ♥
which means....
NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! :D though there is choir. :\
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 ♥
Aiba chan trying his best to reach the high note. XDD
file original credit to sableheart. :)
School. tiring. :X
chinese oral prelim....argh..i also dunno whether i did well or not. :\
most probably not i guess. :(
still need to complete the chinese oral recording thingy and burn into disc.
Ah~ trying to download the AAA concert but part1&2 just doesnt seem to like me at all. :(
the remaining 11parts are fine..just the first 2. :( cant watch it now. T.T
Guess i will go and watch AnS and DreamLive. :)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 ♥

AAA backstage is really wonderful. :) nice vid.
lots of nice moments and funny stuffs. XD
Poor Aiba-chan unable to reach high pitch. XD
Ohno playing Niji. o.o and etc. :D
Re(mark)able. :D
AH! AAA disc is out! :DD
sableheart uploaded one part of the disc already! omgosh~
there's soo much arashi stuffs out today~
so glad im in the fandom. XDD life is really more interesting everyday.
lotts of homework undone. :X
chinese oral recording. T.T eek. like having autism. -.-
and maths is....hopeless. :X oh god~
Saturday, March 21, 2009 ♥
Oh good. Finish hardsubbing it. :D and uploaded. :)
Love Situation from TIME concert. :D
first time trying ksubbing. :) Enjoy
Ah~! been a while since i updated my blog le. XD
the march holidays are coming to an end soon. :\
what a pathetic holiday. sick for almost half the holidays. :\
Busy figuring out how to sub videos using aegisub since yesterday. :)
till now i still dont understand how to use the codes and stuffs. :X
could only do basic karaoke subbings. :X
Ah~ I just love Arashi fandom. XDD
Shiodomedia - Jikkenkun on arashinino. :D
ohmiya fans shouldnt miss it! XD
POPOLO and MYOJO scans are out. :D
the pinup in popolo is once again so freaking nice. XD
bud i dont really like the quality of POPOLO. :\
too flimpsy. feels like it will tear any moment. -.-
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 ♥
LOL. this is so funny.
seeing Arashi, Ikuta Toma, Yamapi, Tackey&Tsubasa etc.
when they are in Johnny Juniors. performing stunts. XDD
Ikuta Toma is so freaking cute&funny! XDD
and here i am... dint go to school. :XX
is health or studies more important? o.o i choose health. XD
so kind of the others to change it to tomorrow. to go cashstudio :D
feeling so much better already this morning. :)
at least i dont cough as much as yesterday till tears keep rolling down my face. :X
should be fine by tomorrow le. :D
supposed lessons gonna end soon le. o.0
Monday, March 16, 2009 ♥
seriously. its getting worst. :(
fever hitting 38.6 degree. endless coughing. :\
should i be glad that im not sneezing endlessly yet -.-?
can i not go school tomororw? :\
Sunday, March 15, 2009 ♥
Argh. argh. my throat and flu is getting worst. :((
ah i wanna go cashstudio tomorrow de! T.T how now?
Argh. why the heck am i always sick when the hol comesl. :((
stupid sorethroat. cashstudio tomorrow too. :X
aww. cant buy LG Renoir yet. :\ need wait another week. :\
argh. fever soon? :(
Saturday, March 14, 2009 ♥
XDD Nino's palm can barely cover half of his face.
Went to IT fair. :D you can imagine the no. of people there. :X
it's like going chinatown on chinese new year. :X
Check out lots of stuffs. :) phones,computers,labtops,cameras,printers.etc.
ah~ i wanna get LG Renoir!
It is only $98 or perhaps $0 if i use my father's plan to sign up for it. XD
free 8gb memory card too. ah~ stop tempting me~! :X
hopefully my parents will agree to it. :D
Ah~ too lazy to update yesterday. :X
Had sports carnival. :D but it rained...
perhaps due to friday 13th? -.- or some idiots who were cursing it to rain. :\
it really spoilt the mood for everyone..for most people i guess. :\
what a nice way to end off our last sports carnival. :(
but at least won the overall. :D for once we won a sports event. XD good job 4/6. :)
hopefully pictures will be up soon. :)
Gonna go the IT fair later on. :D
Thursday, March 12, 2009 ♥
Ah..so lazy to blog about today. :\
isnt it just the same everyday. school.
please dont rain tomorrow. >.<
i dont wish to have anymore lessons! :X
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 ♥
oh finally. school has ended. :D
got our class tee today. :D
yellow polo tee isnt as bad as i thought. XD
and the design at the back is nice. :D
im just afraid that the words will peel off even before wearing it. :\
oh great. failed my SS. -.- expected..since i nvr wrote much. :X
people wrote 4pages while mine barely hit 2pages. how much can i expect? :\
spam downloading now. XD
lotts of stuffs that i wanna watch. :D
omg. 8hours for clubbox?! O.O!! why so slow~?!
oh good! Arashi's Believe is first on the oricon weekly ranking already! :))
will be waiting for yes933 to broadcast it this sun. ^^ hopefully..
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 ♥

Jun's drama SMILE スマイル new hairstyle! :DD
wonder if this is true. he looks gorgeous. :D
better than those curly perms. XD
picture from tenjostyle. :)
School. boring. tiring.
tuesday really are the worst. :(
i can never stay awake till the end.
plus there's CCA too. :\
so tired that i can barely open my eyes. :\

Believe&Kumori Nochi Kaisei sales for the 7th day: 10 165.
which makes the total over 502 000! :DDD スゴイ!
topping the charts for 2009. :DD
the sales are really good eventhough this is just their first single for 2009.
" 人気グループ・嵐の最新シングル「Believe/曇りのち、快晴」が発売1週目で50.2万枚を売上げ、3/16付週間シングルランキングで1位に初登場した。" from here
does that means that Believe/KNK will only be listed on the weekly ranking on march16? o.o
if thats so....i doubt yes933 will play it this week le. :(((
short translation from onlyjun. :D
oh-chan on TVGuide. :)
If I present flowers to the girl...
How about mixing only one genuine flower in the fake bouquet?
Saying "Here you go" and gave to her.
when she would say, "This is not real!"
I'd say "There is only one real flower in it. "
and that has a message of "You are the only one"....(shy smile)
haha. so oh-chan can actually be quite romantic. XDD
Monday, March 9, 2009 ♥
only managed to dl a LQ version of Heyx3. :\
sparky&glossy effects..o.0?
at least the camera doesnt runs around and make me dizzy. :)
can i say that im biased. XD
aiba-chan looked especially cool on Heyx3. XD
personally i am not sure whether the whole performance was live. o.o
but i could confirm that Sho's rap was 100% live. XD
hopefully full episode of heyx3 will be up tomorrow. :D
Remimoren performed 三月九日 which was really nice. :D
Omg. An actress who acts as one of the three girls who always bully the main lead committed sucide. O.O!
newspaper said that it was due to depression. :\
feel sorry for her... :\
argh. homeworks..... :(
HEYX3 tonight! :DD
Arashi no Shukudai kun tonight! :DDD No budget special! :DD
how am i gonna find time to do my work? :\
endless filechecks. with lots of corrections&work undone. -.-
what can i do? pray that i wont be choosen for the checks. :\
what a nice weather to sleep...only if i bear to stop using the comp. :x
oh god. i forgot that Yes933 broadcasts ORICON weekly's ranking.
Believe&Kumori nochi kaisei have yet to sell for a week. :X
guess will have to wait another week le. :(
6th days sales: 31 214. :D amazed... XD
Sunday, March 8, 2009 ♥
I feel like buring down my schoolworks in a blaze.
then i wont have to do it anymore...
tired. hot. stupid weather. :\
someone out bid me for Myojo pinup. :((
humanities sux. :\ why the heck do we have the do the notes?! :\
piles and more piles of stuffs needs to be done.
how i wish time would just stop and let me finish them.. :\
5th day sales. 38 015. :DD its even better than yesterday's. :D
Saturday, March 7, 2009 ♥

Rewatched 200pounds beauty. :)
though the last time i watch it was 3years ago at the cinema.
it still never failed to make me cry. :X
totally understand why this movie is love. :)
do watch it if you havent. :) cause you have missed something really wonderful. :)
Jap lesson tomorrow. :)
MJ found a web that teaches jap stuffs which is almost the same as what im learning at Bunka.
did the E1 test on the web. and failed it. T.T 14/35. what a failure... :(
how did i even managed to pass the real E1 test. :\
Eventhough i kept mentioning the piles of homeworks&stuffs i need to do.
but have yet to complete any at all. :\
Guess i gotta sleep soon. :) おやすみ。:)
LOL. who wont be afraid of sharks? XD
Just came back. :)
edited the banner. :)
i will get headache if i keep using it. :\
so hmm. will decide later on if gonna use it. :)
4th day sales: 27 343. still good. :D
its decreasing almost half everyday. o.o
though its getting closer to Truth&Kaze no Mukou e for the total sales of first week. :)
Okay. did this kinda quick. :)
dont have much fonts to choose from. :(
just a simple banner. :)
Why do i feel so tired?
am i sick? :\
Trying to make a banner. :)
Friday, March 6, 2009 ♥
Original credit to Julia. :D
edited by me. ^^
omg. TV LIFE freaking cute! refer to Buff's blog. LOL. XDD
march is gonna be flooded with Arashi stuffs. XDD
一切完美2 later. :DD love the OP. :D
3rd day sales! 51 063! :DD not bad not bad.
only 3days total sales already broke 400 000. :DD
prepare to hear Believe or Kumori Nochi Kaisei this sun on Yes933. XDD
eventhough i prayed. today HL was run. T.T walk the whole journey though. :\
toldcha i hate running. it feels as though i will suffocate to death any moment. -.-
lessons...extra MT lessons...cca....
friday isnt as fun as before anymore. :(
Flag Day tomorrow. :) hopefully its enjoyable. :0
Arashi. Tohoshinki. Boa. Rock A Trench. etc.
Music Station was freaking nice. :DD
but sounded like lips sync. :\
Potato. Duet. Winkup scans are up. :DDD
thanks to Julia. :)
should i buy~~?! :\
Thursday, March 5, 2009 ♥
original credit to arashinino. :)
Editing pics away. :D sakuraiba. ^^
End of exams. banzai~! :DD
Homeworks&file checks coming up which are mostly undone. -.-
how am i gonna finish them within this weekend T.T?
barely even remember what needs to be handed in tomorrow. :\
Flag Day this saturday. :) at Adm. :)
argh. freak. HL tomorrow. :\ please say its not running. *prays*
Believe&Kumori Nochi Kaisei sales for 2nd day.
135 103. still very good. :DD
The single already placed 4th in overall sales on its released date! wow.
" It had record sales of 215,000, and only in its release date it made it to 2009's 4th best selling single, behind Akimoto Junko's "Ai no mama de..." (sales to date 336,000 since Jan 2008), Kat-tun's "ONE DROP" (sales to date 315,000 since Feb 2009), Shuchishin's "Yowamushi Santa" (sales to date 231,000 since Dec 2008). " from arashi_on. adding up today's. current total is 338 097. :D
doesnt that means that it has already top the 3? sugoi. :D
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 ♥
and guess whats their sales for day 1? o.0
202 994! Sugoi! XD
and it tops the Oricon chart! :DD omedetou!
the official photos for Believe&Kumori Nochi Kasei are out too! :D
pictures can be found at arashinino. :)
wonder if there are anymore group shots for Believe? o.o
if there is. might consider buying. ^^
ah. gotta bathe. :)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 ♥
finally arashi-zenshin is revived. XD
school = more exams coming up. :\
for the first time in life...
i felt that i did better in chem than phy. 0.0 since theres enough time to check. :)
but still phy seems easier overall. :)
anything is easy as long mostly are calculations and not memorising. -.-
other than those stupid careless mistakes. :\
Tuesday is so tiring. :\
still have to study Amaths later on. :((
trigo...kill me please... :\
Suspect X tomorrow? XDD
Sunday, March 1, 2009 ♥
Believe& Kumori Nochi Kaisei full PV is out. :DD
couldnt find any avi files though. :(( thats the best screenshot i can get le. :)
oh great. lotttts of stuffs need to be done. :\
maths homework untouched. =x
poa undone. =x
chem workbook untouched. basically i just found out need to do. -.-
chi undone since i dont even have the qns paper. :\
please please. is there anymore? T.T please say no...
how am i gonna complete it when half of it needs to be hand in on tues?! :((
haiz. lets just see how much i can complete tomorrow bah. :\
picture credit to me. ^^ LOL. XD
BANZAI! Calendar has arrived! :DDDD
collected it today. :) love the diary! :DD
lol. some people had already scanned the poster calendar. isnt that too fast?! 0.0
Mei-chan #7 subs are out! :DDD
gonna watch it later. :)
if i can find time after finishing my homework ( if there is any... )
and revising for physics. :( baka CT.