Saturday, February 28, 2009 ♥

pictures from marjae770. :) Shots from TV NAVI. :)
aiba&nino look so gorgeous with that hairstyle. XDD
seriously prefer nino with short hair. at least he looks more mature. XD
Had Choir today. o.o
Sop sound nice today. :)
whos that kind soul who passed buff&zhao the notes for chemistry? :D thanks alot.
went to Zhao house. :) arashi-ing again.
spam videos&stuffs. ^^
MJ&Ting came. brought her Macbook along. :D
tons of vids. XD

Watched Music Station. :D
Ohno kawaii~ XDD when did he started winking like Jun?! XDD
couldnt gif it since my avi cutter doesnt wanna accept the file. :( aww~
Calendar is out in Kino! :DDD
will be getting it tomorrow! banzai! :DD
when will mine be coming ^^?
Friday, February 27, 2009 ♥
Got a bunch of videos downloaded but unwatched. o.o
Ohno was on Music Station just now. missed it. :\
hopefully someone uploads the video asap. :D
Had Geog&MT test today.
okay. MT flunk. -.-
Finally i have time to settle down and watch my videos. :DDD
sooo glad that tomorrow choir starts at 10. XD
my precious sleep~ :D
Thursday, February 26, 2009 ♥
Spamming my phone with videos. :D
Mojo~ got the La Tormenta 2004 le. :))
okay. decided to buy a phone with a larger screen next time.
since singapore flip-phones are all so sucky. :\
Got my POPOLO issue today. :DD
arashi is love. ^^
why cant i download Believe preview?! T.T
Gotta study for Geog soon. :(
whywhywhy~ is there CT1? :(
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 ♥
This morning. woke up at 6.15.
supposed to have a chem lesson at 6.30. ( not compulsory )
just for us to ask question about SPA.
Dint really wanted to wake up that early.
ended up a lil late at bout 6.45.
when i walk into the quadrangle. everything was so dark.
but within the darkness. only one class was lighted up.
and mdm jo's voice was echoing across the corridoors.
i dont know but i felt kinda touched. :) 一种莫名的感动.
感动 因为在黑暗中只有一班是亮着
感动 因为六点半大家都可能还在睡觉
感动 因为MDM JO愿意陪我们早到
感动 因为比我想象中还有更多人到
感动 因为大家的努力我都看得到
感动 因为这就是我的班. :)
felt so proud of 4/6 today. :D
prays for everyone to get good marks for SPA&Olevels. :)
Okay. MT. hopeless.
seriously im gonna flunk this CT. :\
SS tomorrow and i haven started revising. :\
Gonna browse arashi stuffs. XD
may post again later. :) sayonara~
Monday, February 23, 2009 ♥
I dont wanna cry alone~ ♪
Possibly had just flunk my summary.:\
Dint have enough time to finish it. with only 120+ words.
stupid draft took up so much of my time. :(
Mother tongue & chem SPA tomorrow. =x
okay. whats tested for mother tongue anyway? -.-
shuan le. gonna focus on SPA.
20% of OLevel vs CT1
which will you choose? :)
Gonna take powernap. XD
Sunday, February 22, 2009 ♥
Listening to Yes933 now. :D
I just love sunday nights.
sad thing is that there's school tomorrow. :\
first place in Oricon is One Drop by KATTUN. O.O! expected... XD
wow. listening to their other song which is also recorded in the album. :D
On my mind by KATTUN is freaking nice. XD
Ah.. im so tired now that i dont feel like blogging anymore. :(
and i haven even started revising. :\ Bye CT. :)
Sleep is more important to me. :) Oyasumi. :)
Saturday, February 21, 2009 ♥

Oh yeah. Mei-chan no Shitsuji #6 softsubs are out! :D
Suddenly i would rather mei end up with mameshiba. XD lol. mameshiba~
Oh god! POPOLO~! when is kino gonna release it?!
dying to buy it now. T.T so much about Arashi& Pinup. :DDD
Watched Episode 1 of Boys over Flowers Korean version. :)
any humans who watched it will surly like hanazawa rui. XD
oh god. 1more hour till HnA is finished. :\
finally. completed my maths 15.1&15.2 worksheet. -.-
there's still like 3 worksheets to do!?! doubt i will do it over this weekend though.
CT is coming up and i havent even started revising....-.-
argh. Humanities sux. why the heck do i have to memorise so much!? when i wont even remember it the day after the exam. -.-
just like mdm jo said. we are just doing it for the sake of doing it without even understanding what we are doing . :\
school doesnt really teaches me much. :\
perhaps yes. but maybe just for that day. since i wont remember much the next. :\
thats why i wont go JC. and continue studying stuffs which i wont even remember or use in the future.
lets just focus on a course that will.:)
Friday, February 20, 2009 ♥
Another short preview of Kumori Nochi Kasei from SuperMorning. :)
so its DAN DAN DANG~ and not DOWN DOWN DOWN~ =x LOOOL.
Ah. coming to like the song more after watching the preview of the PV. :D
dint really like it that much at first...perhaps due to Uta no Oniisan. o.0
in first place. i dont really like Uta no Oniisan. :(
the plot isnt really interesting to me perhaps. :\
but the PV is nice! :D Anything with Ohno singing&dancing is nice. XD
Eek. wanna watch yesterday's HnA but seems like nobody uploaded it yet. :\
nvm. lets just be more patient. :D
Wonder if the others are still at CausewayPoint. o.0
to see 大东they all. doubt Buff managed to get the poster though. XDD lol.
Hmm..what should i do now...? o.0?
Thursday, February 19, 2009 ♥
OMG. Sho got TONS of magazine scans today.
CUT is nice! :D but i find this black&white one nicer. ^^
mecha kakkoii! XD
Saw this video. :)
its about a sort of lie detector using blood pressure.
all they can say is "iie - no".
if there's a difference in their blood pressure it means they might be lying. :D
watch it! Kame&Jin's lies. LOL. who knows if its true. XD
dont wanna spoil the fun. watch it yourself. XD
Arashi's Believe & Ohno's Kumori Nochi Kasei short preview is out at :D
but dunno where to download the file. :(
love Believe's PV! :DD esp. the scene with the water(?) background. :D
Okay. ive decided to focus on SPA instead of this useless CT1. :)
endless homeworks.
which i dont understand why i will never finish them eventhough im doing it everyday! :\
Okay. gotta eat dinner le. :D

hahaha! i nvr knew ohmiya started already when they debut. XDDD
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 ♥
from straits times. :)
NO SMOOCHING? lol. this is such a cute signboard. XDD
but will people even care when they saw this? o.0 guess not. ~.~
Supposed to be revising for the dumb CT1. :\
but ended up sitting back here again. =x
argh. when will my mind tell me: " okay. enough of arashi. lets go study. :D "
when will that ever happen? -.-
Heaven's Door seems like a good movie. :D
maybe because im biased that someone from arashi is actually having a small role as a host in it. XD
but i really wanna see Nino as a host! with that baby face of his. lol. XD
oh god aiba-chan~! so cool! XD
lol. read a fanfic here.
“If you’re going to forget about me, get off webcam you whore,” Jun types, and Nino just laughs.
lol...fangirls. XD
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 ♥
OH-CHAN! why so cute?! XDD
does he even look 27 at that time? ans -- absolutely not. XD
and to think ohno gonna be 29 this year. :\
ah. omg. already 8.30. :(
everytime i think of the pile of homeworks in my bag.
i dont even wanna open it. -.-
argh. stupid exams. i still dont get the use of CT1!! >:\
btw. where is yesterday's AnS~~? :\
nobody uploaded it yet. T.T
shuan le. off to cut more mp4 videos. :)
Sunday, February 15, 2009 ♥
Ohohoh! listening to yes933 now. :D
Shigotonin - Kyoka Suigetsu. :) nice.
why is this song so familar?! i just cant remember. :(
Had E2 レッスン today. :D
Katakana&past head gonna burst..T.T
and i havent even include my schoolwork. T____T
gave up on my english summary writing.
what fking passage is that?! i cant even understand a shit.
how do you even expect me to write a summary!? -.-

Watched Mei-chan no Shitsuji episode 5! :)
Rihito hugged Mei-chan! XDD ahh~
ive never expected this show's plot to be this deep..=x
although they are only like introducing the other characters now.
but i really do wonder whos Mei-chan's mother? o.0

Rewatched ONE concert. :)
ah~ why dint i notice Nino did a backflip last time?! he look so cool! XD
Sho's piercing. first time saw him wearing it! 0.0!
doubt he is having it anymore now...? o.0
G no Arashi #39 is funny! XDD
imagine Sho on FujiQ rollercoaster. &Aiba in haunted house. LOL. XD
Ohno is basically fearless... lol.
Okayokay. gotta go watch other vids. :) さよなら!
Saturday, February 14, 2009 ♥
Happy Valentine! :DD
hope that everyone had a nice valentine this year? :)
thanks alot to those who gave me choco! XD so sweet~
Spend the day with clique. :D
cut my hair. since everyday i get to hear people calling me "sadako"... -.-
omg. my short...T.T so 不习惯. :\
went to Northpoint. and saw JJ. XD
autograph session and just nice we were there. unintentionally. lol. :D
Ate at Ishi Mura. :) A Japanese foodcourt.
the price is quite reasonable& the food is nice. :D
spend the later part of the day watching USO!Japan again. =x
wondering why we are hooked onto that kind of show. lol. XD
Arashi TOBIRA is nice. :D
nothing much today though. :\
so bored. guess will go watch Mei-chan episode 5 RAW bah. :) too bad subs not out yet. :(
Finally E2 lesson gonna start tomorrow! :D
Friday, February 13, 2009 ♥

Ohno's AU CM! :DDD
he looks so good in suit&vest~! XDD
kawaii expression. ^^
AAA Tokyo 2008 DVD is out for preorders!! O.O!
ahh.. so ex though. T.T
guess will have to wait till people upload it le. :)
Chatting with others. :)
talking about Tammy -- a famous blogger. o.0 whom i never heard before. -.-
and dunno what big earholes... LOL?
Watched a bunch of USO!Japan episodes. XD
lol. some of the videos&pictures are....shocking/terrifying/horrifying whatever you can describe it. =x
but Dr.USO that section is so cool! it teaches tricks! XD
Tomorrow's Valentine! :)
gonna spend the day -- cutting my hair. -.-
and there's supp. tomorrow too. T.T
lol. nvm. no school is fine. :D
Thursday, February 12, 2009 ♥

Haha. as promised. :D
photobucket is so kind to me today. ^^
Sho is freaking cute in that cat suit. XD
Jun nice catch! :D
Oh. seems like Jun got a new drama. 0.0!
called SMILE スマイル :)
together with aragaki yui.
from onlyjun:
" News paper said Jun kun will have straight hair for this role to give an exotic look. "
O.O straight hair?!
hopefully not like Boku wa imouto ni koi wo suru. =x dont really like that hairstyle. :(
Ting&Mojo came. :)
Watched USO!Japan. XD
seriously... its scary...T.T 怖いよ!
If there is a stayover at someone's house.
seriously USO!Japan might just keep you awake the whole night. =x
Trying to download HEYx3 from clubbox. :)
hopefully it works. :)
lol. just read from Change417.
winkup 03.09 message board. :)
Ikuta Toma's message is soo heart-warming? XD
To Ohno (Satoshi)-kun:
Please work hard for Uta no Oniisan. As Team Maou, I'm working hard too. You probably can't go fishing for the days to come, but please bear with it.
To Maruyama (Ryuhei)-kun:
If you give Oh-chan fishing lures, he will be very happy [laughs].
Haha! fishing lures. XDD
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 ♥
Oh god. why so lag today?! :(
Had LearningJourney today. :D
went Singapore Mint which is...boring? =x
but i dont mind spending a schoolday there. ^^
as long no textbooks&worksheets&homeworks can le. :D
Came back earlier than expected. :)
Dint went to Seoul Garden..=x
i dont eat much anyway..dont wanna waste money. :)
Making some GIF from the latest 嵐の宿題くん episode. :D
finally photobucket works. T.T
but only managed to upload 1gif. T.T will continue tomorrow. :)

Ohno look so gay....XD LOL.
okay. gotta sleep. :) おやすみ。
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 ♥
Banzai! No school tomorrow! :D
Learning Journey! ^^ Singapore Mint. :0
Stack of homeworks to be done later. T.T

Yesterday's Arashi no Shukudai kun is nice. ^^
Ohno's pose is cute. LOL. XD
Jun DoS-ing away. and Sho is demoralised. LOL.
Nya nya nya~! XD
Currently watching Mei-chan no Shitsuji. :)
.....the show is soo...anime-like. LOL. so fantasy. =x
Off to watch episode2. :D
Monday, February 9, 2009 ♥
Monday is nice.
as long as school ends before 3. and i can go home.
everything is nice. ^^
Played MJ for the last time. :) seriously. LAST time.
" Nino chan and Okusu san(J-storm) talked a bit about "Believe" PV
Lightning flashing in back ground
ARASHI chan wore Black and Silver outfits and dances. "
quoted from onlyjun. :)
Ah~ Black&Silver outfits~ sounds nice. :D
with lightning... :o reminds me of Truth though. 0.0 lol.
Sunday, February 8, 2009 ♥

credits to nimsilver. :)))
omg.. i just love Ohno in OnlyStar. T.T
dont you think he is soo cute?! XDD
So tired. :\ Morning went to my relative company's opening. :D
congrats to them. :) GRC Press Holdings. :)
Busy doing stack of homework.
but in the end only managed to finish half. -.- hopeless..
Still downloading JoseiSeven scans. :D
Is there any calender preview? 0.0??
Listening to Yes933 哈本营 now. :D
Japanese&Korean! yay! XD
the song playing currently is nice. by Kim Bum Soo. :) whos that anyway. =x
Its gonna play ARASHI - One Love later! Ahh~~ XDD
Saturday, February 7, 2009 ♥
credits to snoew&change417
嵐、嵐 for dream~ :)
ohmiya. XDD
Did the Duet quiz. translated by change417. :D
Ohno!! 超嬉しい!XDDDD
Buff got Nino &Ting got Jun. :D おめでとう! LOL. XD
Went Zhao house to spam videos. XD
G no Arashi #37! lol. filled with stockings&embarrassing moments. XD
piles of homeworks undone. =x
ah...another unknown blue-black on my arm. :(
did i smashed my arm to the wall when i was sleeping? maybe. -.-
CashStudio this coming wednesday? ^^
Lastly, a Ohmiya wave~ XD byebye~!

Thursday, February 5, 2009 ♥

Photobucket finally accepts me T.T
if the GIF doesnt repeats. i also dunno why. =x
カワイイ後輩 ♥ aiba-chan~ XD
Life in school is seriously boring. -.-
homeworks&more homeworks. :(
cant i just live a happy life without any homeworks? -.-
Doubt i will have a good life for MT lesson onwards. :\
who cares. 8months left. :)
秘密の嵐ちゃん tonight. :D
New Half....o.0?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 ♥
今日はBUFFYの誕生日! :D
Old Buff. XPP
Hmm.. guess she may not see my post. :(
since she's busy emo-ing. XD LOL.
Monday, February 2, 2009 ♥
嵐!最高!XD thats random..
School~ cant remember.
nothing much worth remembering anyway. :)
Went Causeway. Shopped around. :)
Most of us bought a keychain. -- blue bear-shaped. :D
and another friendship band. sponsored by Ting. LOL.-- blue again. XD
Blue isnt my favourite colour though. XD
Waiting for my Tensai!Shimura Doubutsuen 20070714 to finish. :)
Sunday, February 1, 2009 ♥
Maomao in...chinese new year shirt? XDD
kawaii deshou? ^^
Ahhh! I missed Yes933 de 哈本营 front part. :(
currently is Wasurenaide by DBSK.
in the same album as Kiss the Baby Sky. :)
Kiss the Baby Sky is nice! :D
sooo grateful to nimsilver who scanned it. :)
OnlyStar have some of the best shots ever. ^^
Nino is starring in a TBS SP drama -- Door to Door. o.o
Ooo. maybe i should consider watching Jun's Myu no Anyo Papa ni Ageru first. :)
ah.. freaking speed. :\
weekends are always so slow. :(
Jeannie they all coming later i guess. :)