Wednesday, December 31, 2008 ♥
Watch 20081227 TSD SP Dolphins.avi in Entertainment Videos | View More Free Videos Online at
Oh. finally.
managed to upload Tensai!Shimura Doubutsuen to veoh.
but i swear i will not ever upload stuffs to veoh again. -.-
The front is kinda boring.
but Aiba really did a cool stunt at the back. XD

Kirere send me this. XD
Thanks alot! :)
waiting for the countdown... :D
Argh. Trying to upload the TSD file to veoh now.
since youtube&imeem kept dying. -.-

Watched the TOKIO dream challenge backstage.
where Kokubun Taichi went to find the johnny all stars. XD
Yeah...and forcing them to join. lol. =x
Sho's worried surprised face is really funny. XD
Is Sho really a....good choice? 0.0
Hmm..2009 is coming within a few hours. :D
Lets reflect about 2008. :)
New class. new people. new surrounding. o.o
ok...i seriously cant remember anything memorable in the middle of this year. =x
My results kinda shoot up. XD
And at around Aug...
We became fangirls of Arashi. XD till now. :)
Started learning Jap and passed E1. :DD
so...2008 marks the first year of being Arashi's fan. :)
Okay. dont care bout those craps above.
I just couldnt find anything to talk since the video needs another 40+ mins to finish uploading to veoh.
Hopefully this one works. &I will update again. :D
Been trying to upload a short clip from Tensai! Shimura Doubutsuen SP 2008.12.27.
but failed. -.- trying again.
Its a short part 11min long on Becky&Aiba doing stunts with dolphins.:)
Aiba chan sugoi. :D
Johnny's countdown! XD
Hopefully my parents wont drag me out of the house to go countdown. -.-
Saw the pictures of Arashi de uchiwas!
Sho's one is soo nice~! Ohno is cute too. XD
$20....most likely not gonna buy it bah...
johnny is really a $$ sucking company. =x
downloading some shows to watch. :)
Will update again later. ^^
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 ♥
" Im eating noodles now. "
Is that right? o.o
Had a funny dream today. XD
I dreamt of watching Ohno's Rain performance AAA+Dome.
not in my phone. -.-
and i was going fishing! LOOL. XD
but in the end nvr get to fish. :(
cause someone said that the water is too dirty to fish. -.-?!
what a weird XD
One more day to end of 2008. :D
Countdown! XD freaking homework...
i dont even know how to do! =x
Nvm..go search for Arashi stuffs first. ^^
Monday, December 29, 2008 ♥

Hmm..where should i start? o.o
Okay..Just watched 小娘惹 & Cellular. :)
I just dont freaking understand those people who said 欧萱's acting is bad. -.-
her role is not even easy to act in the first place.
if they are so good than go act la.
if cant then just shutup. -.-
Okay. thats just what i feel.
Hmm.. Cellular is nice! :D
The chinese adaption movie is 保持通话 Connected. :)
古天乐、大s act one.
still..the chinese one not bad. :)
but the english one is more exciting. XD
Went to Buff house today.
supposed to be doing POA.
but obviously...ended up watching Arashi stuffs again. =x lol.
POA is hopeless. -.- I dont even remember a shit.
Played with D70(?) XD
Just saw the news that all pri/sec/jc students will have to attend dunno what olympic stuffs in school. wth is that!? 0.0
Take up more sports?!
I dont mind they increase the time for PE. XD
but with the teacher in charge...i rather not. -.-
and dont ever fcuking increase the time i have to spend in school due to that. -.-
I have zero interest for school now. つまらない。
And 万歳!
popolo had been translated! yay! XD
& lastly, i passed my E1 test!! XDDDD
Sunday, December 28, 2008 ♥
Watched Odoroki 5. :D
おもしろい! XD
will be looking forward for the sub. :)
Had my Jap E1 test today. :D
much easier than i thought. :)
hopefully both of us will pass it. =x お願い!
results will be out tomorrow 3pm! XD
Ah~ Popolo is translated! XD halfway..
so thankful to change417. :D
Ohno loves nino's hamburger fingers. XD
waiting for 2nd part to be up. :)
yay! preordered Arashi 2009-2010 calender! ^^
Saturday, December 27, 2008 ♥
Back from zhao's house. :)
supposed to like celebrate xmas. which is like over. LOL.
so ended up like gathering. arashi gathering. XD
Watched Arashi stuffs the whole day.
ate choco&cheese fondue. LOL.
kinda...failed though. haha XD
Saw this post on onlyjun.
a small translation on Myojo Feb issue.
Your 10th year has started. Tell us ARASHI'S goal for the future.
Shanghai was the final place of this Asia tour and I thought that when we have our tour final, fans will gather from all over Japan.But for this tour since it was located in the Asian scale, there were fans from South Korea and Hong Kong. I also saw someone holding an Uchiwa that said something like "From America"
There were also some people from Singapore and Thailand.
So I really want to have concerts in another countries too.
In 2008, we did a concert all year around, so I want to do the same in 2009 too.In Japan or Overseas, I want to go to places that we haven't been to before.We went to 3 countries this time, and the final day was a big scale, there were fans from South Korea....
Wah..the fact that Jun actually said Singapore feels like a miracle to me!
Please listen to Oh-chan.
and let Arashi have another AAA concert in 2009! XD
and please let Singapore be one of it! =x
Lets just pray for Arashi to come bah. =x
off to search for more arashi stuffs.
Friday, December 26, 2008 ♥
Went out early this morning with zhao.
to buy some stuffs. XD
&my mother's bdae present. :D -- 2 earrings. XD
Went zhao house a while.
then buff came mine.
Revise the Jap notes abit. =x
hopefully enough to pass the test...o.o
Gonna update the mp4. :)
no time to do so yesterday. =x
Looking forward to Music Station LIVE. ^^
Thursday, December 25, 2008 ♥
ah..quickly post this. since the day gonna be over soon. XD
Had a busy day. :)
Woke up at bout 12. =x
went to ah ma house to eat turkey.
i wonder if thats the first time i tasted turkey meat. o.o
but it just tasted like normal ham + chicken? =x
lol. im so hopeless at appreciating food. =x
Went to my parents secondary school gathering. :)
at one of their house.
wow. i dont know whats that called in english but her house is 半独立室.
think so. got like 3 and half storey high. woah~ 超きれい。:D
ate turkey again. =x lol!
Just got back home. :)
Seems like someone translated POPOLO feb issue.
bud only comments on aiba-chan. =x
nvm. will be looking forward to change417's translation. :)
since i requested for it. XD
Okay. gonna upload somemore mp4 le. :)
saw peklian's blog. the move your body GIF.
really love that performance!! XD
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 ♥
Arashi gonna be the MC for countdown!! Banzai~! ^^
Thanks to Ting,JH&MX for the xmas presents. :)
oh. and thanks to Julia for the pointers. :) ありがとう
i promise i wont share the links. =x
Saw on onlyjun.vox.
that there will be a show called Ontama tomorrow. o.o
ONTAMA 1hr Special ASAHI 0:40~
What is it about? o.o
lol. and why is my name translated to tano aya?! 0.0
Banzai~! XD相葉ちゃん、誕生日おめでとう!!^^
Just finished "watching" Beautiful Days Secret Talk. :)
kept pausing it to do other stuffs. thats why it took so long. =x
even though there is only audio.
ARASHI is still as cute as ever. XD
Okaasan nagging away. =x
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 ♥
Received 2xmas card from sgarashifc. 嬉しい。^^
Listening to Beautiful Days Secret Talk now.
eventhough there is only audio.
its still very funny. LOL. XD
Ting&Jiahui came. :)
and they remembered to buy the meat. ^^
Browse the net &watch some videos. :)
Watched Ryuusei no Kizuna last episode.
Its very nice. :D as compared to the first few episodes. =x
So happy for them that their ratings skyrocketed to 22.6%. ^^
Made a request for translation of POPOLO.
and its accepted. ^^
Looking forward to it. :D
Seems like there are lots of rabu rabu moments. XD
4more hours to 相葉ちゃんの誕生日。 :)
Wah..for a moment i thought my email got hacked. -.-
couldnt sign in at all. =x
then i found out that i was typing the wrong password all along. -.-
dumb me. -.-
argh. wanted to watch Ryuusei no Kizuna on Mysoju.
but the page just wouldnt load. dunno why. =x
Nvm. downloaded latest VS arashi & beautiful days secret talk. :)
Gonna watch it later on.
Ting&Jiahui coming later on i guess. o.o
hopefully they remember to help me buy some meat for maomao. XD
Monday, December 22, 2008 ♥
いまはNEWS ZEROにみてます。
" I am watching NEWS ZERO now. "
is that line correct? o.o
can someone help me check? =x
Trying to improve my jap. :) which is freaking weak now..T.T
Yup. Watching NEWS ZERO now.
翔ちゃん かっこいい!!:D
Oh. gonna watch 嵐の宿題くん。Bye!

Yabai. So lil time left. =x
I need to --
Study my Japanese.
Buy my schoolbooks.
Finish schoolwork. which i dont even know how to do. -.-
*points to the pile of papers stack on my desk* and clear all those shits. -.-
Arh..24th&25th im most likely not free. =x
how?! when am i gonna find time to do all those stuffs?!
when school is reopening like nxt week. -.-
POA. ive forgotten like almost all of it. =x
how am i gona complete it!?! T.T
worst..i dont even have the mood to do it...:\
Im still here. browsing Arashi stuffs...
editing Arashi pictures...
and doing things which are totally not related to Schoolwork. XD
Gonna go POPULAR later.
hopefully the price for the books wont be too ex. :\
Ah~ there is Arashi no Shukudai kun tonight! ^^
Shukudai kun NTV 23:58~ Odoroki no ARASHI Preview SP
I can watch LIVE now. Banzai! XD
2 more days to 相葉ちゃんの誕生日。:D
is that sentence even right? XD
Sunday, December 21, 2008 ♥
Ima wa cho ureshii! ^^
I just found another Arashi fan in Riverside. :D
LOL. rare right?! XD
And all thanks to Julia&ting who told me bout the stuffs.
Im able to watch Jap channels LIVE now! WAH~!
Just watch Aiba on Oshareizm. ^^
Aiba cho kawaii! XD
Hopefully someone will translate it. :)
I only understood the first part where he&sho lost their way since they forgot their hotel name and the part whereby his brother put pins on the floor one. LOL. XD
Now i can watch Odoroki 5 LIVE! &other arashi shows! yay!
Had Jap lesson today. :)
Aww.. nxt week will be my last lesson for E1. =x
and there is a test! im sooo dead. -.-
which kind soul will give me more jap tuition~?? =x
Oh. and Buff bought POPOLO feb issue.
Arashi on cover!
and lots of arashi stuffs!!
Hopefully someone gona translate that too! ^^
Went Buff house for some vids and stuffs. :)
and came mine after that to scan POPOLO. :)
hopefully there's no copyrighted stuffs. =x
Tada~ these are some of the pics which we joined. :D
the last one is the Pinup. XD

Saturday, December 20, 2008 ♥
Back from gathering. :)
At West Coast Park.
Thought will be like playing at the beach&sea.
in the end is play at the playground there. XD
15years old le. still playing at playground.
ah. who cares~? XD
Went back home at bout 9.
maomao so freaking tired now. lol.
Asking ting bout KeyholeTV now. :)
Gonna try it out.
as long got Japanese show i dont mind. ^^
hopefully Arashi shows. XD

Wow. been quite sometime since i woke up at 12pm. XD
Yesterday went to watch FRH concert. :)
Singapore Indoor Stadium is much smaller than i thought. =x
The concert was nice. :)
Just that the people around us werent high at all....
since we are sitting at the most top& last row. lol.
but its directly opposite the stage which is quite a good seat.
and its free. XD
LOL. i keep thinking bout Arashi's concert while watching FRH one. XD
How i really wish they would come to Singapore for a concert. =x
I dont mind spending $200+ for their tickets and stuffs. XD
Gonna go out soon. :)
For another gathering. with jeannie,yikning and others. :D
Let me just quickly go search for Arashi updates now. XD
Thursday, December 18, 2008 ♥

今晩は :D
Just back from primary school gathering. :)
Lots of fun. :D
Watched Twilight before it. :)
For those who read the book, may be a lil disappointed. =x
but for those who nvr read the book. like me. XD
will find it nice. ^^
The actors& effects are freaking good. XD
Went Pasir Ris Park after that. :)
Its been quite some time since we all met up. :D
Had BBQ. love the chickenwings! LOL. XD
&the sea breeze which nvr stopped. lol.
Pictures are all with HL. need to wait till tomorrow to get it. :(
Gonna post the pictures when she sends it to us bah. :)
Finally a day which is meaningful. :)
Reached home at bout 11.
Browse around and saw this here.
The moment you want hug something tightly:
The other day, I went into the sea of Okinawa for the first time. I scuva dived from the morning to the evening.. I was impressed to see a lot of fish. So I want to hug the sea of Okinawa tightly. (Laugh) In 2009, I want to do the scuba if there is time.
When I played with Saiki Shota kun together all day for 24hrs TV. The bone marrow transplant was a success and he became well, and I'm really glad. To the 8 year old Shota kun, am I like a father than an older brother?. (Laugh)
When I watched "Shimura Dobutsuen" and Aiba chan was playing with baby Lion cubs. They were Cho Kawaii. It was like a big cat. I especially liked their faces. But they grow up so quickly, So I want to hug them before that. (Laugh)
I want to hug Kazunari kun.....This is not good? Let me see, I want to hug a Chimpanzee. (Hugging himself) I have an image like this. Or I want to hug an Orangutang gently.'s hard...Since I hug Satoshi everyday. (Laugh) Oh! it maybe a different meaning of hugging tightly, but I want to keep Magic and Games tightly.
I was like LOL when i saw ohno&nino's reply.
Seriously ridiculous. LOL. XD
Okay. Off to continue watch Virgin Snow. :)
movie by lee jun ki & miyazaki aoi. :D

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 ♥

Trying to figure out how to make icons.
These arent even called icons.
They are just picture + word. LOL. =x
I cant even get the dimensions right. :(
and my brushes are so freaking limited. -.-
Nvm. Will download more brushes when free...
Ok. Slack day again.
Im slacking away my holidays. =x
so boring..
Gonna have outing on thurs.
concert on fri.
another outing on sat.
lesson on sun. not that free after all...
Oh. Managed to download quite some videos this morning. :D
quickly download since the speed is still fast. XD
not like during the night. the speed plunge to 10kb/sec. -.-
freaking pathetic..
Zhao told me to watch Super Junior Full House?
lol. hmm..may watch it when feel like it. ^^
Okay. off to watch Arashi vids le. :D
Monday, December 15, 2008 ♥

Just watch 一枝梅.
Lee Jun Ki 李凖基 is really shuai. XD
2 hour of 小娘惹 also isnt enough man. :(
Whole day slacked at home. :)
Lucky the download speed is fast enough. :D
Got 2 more shows downloaded.
One is [Ie Ga Tooi] episode 1 & Ya-ya-yah Public bath battle. :D
Gonna watch it now. ^^
Saw Julia's blog.
The funny thing is straight after the question:
" Is the person a Japanese? "
The next question will be:
" Is the person from a band of 5 members? "
I was like -- LOL!? Isnt that too fast...? XD
Yup. And is Ohno Satoshi!
Saw this on i think last week U-weekly.
A Korean movie gonna be shown in Singapore i think. o.o The actors are quite famous i guess.
Gonna look out for this movie. :)
The last Korean movie i saw was like -- 200pound beauty.
Which was freaking nice! lol. XD
Aww.. when will there ever be another Jap movie. :(
Lol. Hopefully
Yatterman will be shown in Singapore too. ><
Lol. and i freaking love this icon Kirere made. XDOhno cho kawaii! <333
Ah.. just saw at arashi_on.
LOL. wonder whats Sho doing in the screenshots. XD
Sunday, December 14, 2008 ♥

See! Maomao is driving! XD
( thats not a teddybear in the first pic. -.- )Cho kawaii! ^^
Back from dinner. :)
Ah..went to Jap ressun this morning.
Just had another ressun yesterday.
so tired now~
Finally get to use comp le.
Read this just now.
gonna download lots of stuffs to watch man. :)
hopefully it doesnt hang or sth.. -.-
Okay. thats all. Ja ne~
Friday, December 12, 2008 ♥
Back from Band concert. :D
Nice music. :)
Very pei fu band. They can practice like non-stop one. lol. unlike us. XD
Today is a slacking day~
Downloaded Makings of White Xmas & TegoMasu - Ai ai gasa. :)
Quite funny. ^^
Why isnt there Arashi Makings of PV? Making of Beautiful Days?
How come others got. :( Even HSJ got too.
Where to find Arashi ones? o.o
Oh. I wanted to try out Clubbox.
But all i can do is sign up. -.-
Everything is in Korean! I cant even understand a word.
There is a few Clubbox about Arashi stuffs but i cant get in.
and i cant even see the files to download. :(
Can someone tell me why? =x
Ah..still considering whether i should buy Arashi 2009-2010 calender.
How am i suppose to tell my parents?! its $40..
and i bet my parents will say " Buy for wad?! useless one. " -.-
Firstly. Mojo return me my $28! I need it!
Thursday, December 11, 2008 ♥
Ohh~ Im back~ ^^Went to Malacca. :)
For first 2days went to...i cant remember the name.. is it Tiara beach or Tiara resort.
Ala. Tiara ____ something jiu dui le.
A man-made so called beach? with pools &slides.
But i cant play anything unfortunately... -.- saddening..
Dint tried the fish spa. They said its very ticklish. lol.
Other than that...there is nothing else there...
Oh..and chicken rice for 2 days. even the food is the same. lol.
For the last 2 days went to another hotel. A much better one. :)
At least the blanket is thick... managed to sleep better after 2 nights.
Went shopping&stuffs.
Bought quite some clothes&stuffs. :D
Went to a Nyonya place to eat. The taste is really quite different from usual ones. :)
Ah.. both days just keep shop&walk, shop&walk. lol.
Reached home at bout midnight today. :)
Im trying to make up my comp. time now. LOL.
Im not sure if i got any pics.
i think only pics of the Tiara beach/resort. :(
Thats all. Ja ne~

Saturday, December 6, 2008 ♥

Ah...watched tons of videos. XD
Yesterday dint went to class gathering =x Wanted to see pictures but peck say dint take. :(
Saw Kirere's blog.
Ya-ya-yah Onigokko game. :D
Looks really fun so i downloaded all of it..
currently got around 9 subbed. :)
Tego&Massu really cute!
Gonna sidetrack to them soon. lol.
V6 at Gakkou e Ikou max ( Haunted house ) is also freaking funny.
Its funny how they can jump just having seen a flying cicada. lol!
NEWS & KAT-TUN also really nice sia.. LOL. XD
Listen to KAT-TUN's White X'mas.
Its freaking nice..very beautiful.. :)
Giniro kirameku machi ame ga yuki ni kawatta
yumeiro mabushii miraimiteta anohi no CHRISTMAS
anata wo mitewaratta seinaruyoru ni
namida ga afuretane eien ni sukinanoni naze
ima yuki ga maichiru konosora no tooimukou niwa
atarashii dareka ga matsu kesenuomoi dakinagara
anokoro waraiatta nanimo kowakunakatta
anata no yasashisa wo kizutsuketa ano hi no CHRISTMAS
yumetoka kibousagashite samayou dake
miageta sora takasugite tsukamenaiyo todokunoni naze
ima yuki ga maichiru anokoro no mayowanu kimochiwa
atarashii asuhe tsuzuku nido to modoranai STORY
arukidaseba tomadoukedo tedetoketayuki no hanabirawa
mata itsuka meguriatte kokoro tashikameru darou
In the silver shining city
The rain turns to snow
I saw a bright future, the color of dreams on that X-mas Day
I looked at you and smiled on that holy night
My tears spilled over, didn’t they?
Thought I’ll love you forever, why?
Snow is floating down now
On the far side of this night sky
A new person is waiting
As I embrace memories that can’t be erased
We laughed together at that time
We were unafraid of anything
I wounded your kindness on that x-mas day
Searching for hopes and dreams
I was just wandering around
The night sky I see is too high
I can’t grab it, though I can reach it, why?
Snow is floating down now
The unwavering feeling from that time
Continue to a new tomorrow
A story that won’t come back again
When I set out, I feel lost
But there are snowflakes that melted on my hand
Maybe we’ll meet again
And we’ll be able to ascertain our feelings
Wednesday, December 3, 2008 ♥

Wohoo! Today was fun. ^^
Went to Cash Studio. :D
Wow. Only $9.80 for 3hours.
and you can feel free to bring outside food in. LOL. XD
no nid to hide anymore. haha.
And theres lots of Japanese songs! Esp. Arashi! XD
Just that all the PV are fake and you cant have original singer..-.-
But still 3 hours is not even enough. T.T
So dam high. LOL.
only sad thing is that out of all the Arashi songs there isnt any Time de solos. :(
After that went to Kinokuniya.
The stack of magazines there really disappear fast...
Even those which just arrived today are gone.. -.-
On the Mrt home. buff and mojo was like freaking high talking bout MMA stuffs. lol.
Speaking of mma.
I just download MagoMagoArashi #18.
Ohno&Nino help to carry out a wedding ceremony. :D
The one others said.
I just find the starting freaking cute when ohno was swimming with a float. LOL.
Oh and G no Arashi #18 seems nice too. :)
Gonna watch it now. Ja ne~