Sunday, November 30, 2008 ♥
My legs hurt. T.T seriously...
i wonder how to walk tomorrow sia...
cant even walk straight now. -.-
Dont even dare to take off my shoe and see how's my foot.
in the end..blisters&more blisters.
it hurts even without touching it. sux. -.-
Nvm. Think of the fun things ahead bah! ^^
Arashi videos currently downloading. :D
I can forget everything for their shows. :)
Tomorrow gonna have primary school gathering! yay! :D
So long never see most of them le. lol. :)
Bowling&Cycling! BBQ too! ^^
Still got 3/6 class gathering on 5th.
but seriously i still not confirm if free on that day. =x
Oh! Booked Cash Studio @ Ming Arcade le. :DD
Japanese room too. :DDD
Arashi songs! gonna bring lyrics man. lol.
First. Check the directory for that place. -.-
Oh yeah. today..
short form: Today was a freaking tiring&mad day. LOL. XD
Saturday, November 29, 2008 ♥
Ah..should i say that im dam excited now? LOL. XDJust now called Cash Studio with Buff. $30++ for 3. sub. ppl only need $5. WOW. 0.0!
freaking cheap and theres alot of Japanese songs!
Read from different places that there seem to be Arashi songs!
The website wrote 170 Arashi songs! O.M.G.!
but even though there wrote KAT TUN has 70+ songs.
Only 44 appeared at the real place. -.- lol.
Better than none right?
even though the PV isnt real and the fake one sux too.
sooo gonna book the japanese room tomorrow! XD
Download lottts of videos today.
MMA #81 was kinda cute with sakuraiba. :D
though not very...memorable. LOL.
AnS#49 was with a crazy guest? S&M. lol.
dont really like that episode though...=x
Just finished download G no Arashi #17.
that episode is really funny! ^^
Arashi as cheerleaders. :D
Ohno's laughter is really cute. XD
If you wanna see Nino with wig? or Aiba's birthmark on his arm?
Thats an episode not to be miss. XP
My mma#104 just failed again. T.T
Gonna try dling it tomorrow le bah. :(
Ashita Japanese ressun ni ikundesu. :D
HMV &haji lane. :D
30 more minutes to Chinen's birthday. ^^.

Friday, November 28, 2008 ♥
My eyelids are falling down..
soon i will look like this >> (-.-) lol.
Just rebonded my hair. :)
Not xi guan of the flatness but its not really that flat bah.
perhaps due to my big head. lol.
Finally bought a pair of slippers.
Heaven for my legs. lol.
Back home and rushed to the comp.
Haven used it the whole day and i miss Arashi. ^^
Gonna search for their stuffs soon. :D
Haiz..when will there be a NICE flip-phone in Singapore? -.-
Thursday, November 27, 2008 ♥
Im seriously rotting.
Daily routine:
Wake up at 10.
Watch TV.
Comp till 3.
Watch TV.
Watch TV.
Comp till 9.
Watch TV.
Comp till 12.
AHHHHH. other than comp&TV.
my life is soo freaking boring!
All i can do is find arashi and more arashi stuffs.
I just wanna learn Jap faster so that i wont need anymore subs. T.T
For now. let me continue to rot. -.-
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 ♥
今日はRiidaaの誕生日です!! ^^
Ah~ Today is Riidaa's Birthday! :DD
LOL. I just met another fangal called Kirere. XD
Today was kinda boring.
Supposed to play Badminton but couldnt book any courts. T.T
So had to cancel it. aww...
Went to Zhao house. :)
Wanted her to sell my shorts but doubt she uploaded the pics le. -.-
Watched Time-Con since her megaupload sux.
Couldnt dl USO!Japan to watch. T.T
I wonder this is the xx time i watched Time-Con. =x
Went home then blah blah blah..
Buff told me that Arashi's Calendar is out for Preorders.
But its like 56SGD. thats freaking ex?! T.T
Most likely couldnt buy it dam sad sia..
It might just be their last calendar...:(
Ah.. Gonna watch 小娘惹 soon. Ja ne~
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 ♥
Lol. Watch this. :D
Do you understand it? XP
Just in case you dont understand:
Choose 1card and memorise it. ( The shape and no. )
Place your right palm against Dr. USO 's palm.
Think of the card you have choosen. ( Think hard XP )
and...your card will disappear before your eyes! ><
Haha. Its really cool.
Couldnt catch it at first though. XD
Monday, November 24, 2008 ♥
Haha. This year really passed kinda quick. o.o
But still i enjoyed my birthday this year alot too. ^^
All thanks to my friends&family! :D
Really happy! ^^
and another special one i received was
to receive the letter telling me that i gotten the Scholarship award! ><
Ah~ Really happy that i got $$. LOL.
And the letter came just today.
what a nice surprise. XD
I really had a wonderful day. :D
Really. This is all thanks to those who celebrated it with me. :)
Even those who just send a small lil msg.
It really makes me alot happier. XD
Really. Thanks alot. :D
lastly. please let my wishes come true...><
Sunday, November 23, 2008 ♥
Konbanwa. :)
Really happy today! XD
Morning had Jap ressun. :)
Luckily not late or anything. can stroll there.
Learn alottt of stuffs...still cant remember much now. =x
Need to look at it again later...
Japanese really isnt easy at all...=x
After that went to Kino. :)
Buff&Ting bought POPOLO.
Arashi hontoni kawaii desu~! :D
The poster is also really nice! Can i just buy the poster =x?
Went to eat at Mac aft that. :)
All our topics are arashi.arashi &more arashi. lol.
After that went to PlazaSingura agn. :)
Bought 2 shorts ( 1 for my mother ) at Cotton On. :)
Went Mac again. lol!
They ate their ice-creams and continue chat about arashi. lol.
endless i know..
Okay. then went home. :D
Really thankful to those who bought me the presents!
The red tomato(?) by buff. and all the stuffs from the rest.
I'm really really happy! THANK YOU ALL SOO MUCH!! ^-^
I really do hope my 3wishes will come true. :)
Oh great. need to do IC soon le. ah~ lazy~. lol.
Off to find more Arashi stuffs le. :DD
Saturday, November 22, 2008 ♥
Tell me why. Take me faraway.
Ohno Dream 'A'live solo dam nice! ^-^
His voice is sooo nice. lol.
Dream 'A'live have quite a few nice songs. :)
I recommend Koe [ 声], Take me faraway, Gimmick Game & My answer. :D
I really like that 4songs. :)
Mojo showed me a video on all Aiba speaking English.
Lol. its really funny. i think she uploaded it at her blog too.
" Do you like bird? " ( Its obviously a chicken! ) LOL.
Buff said she reserved 3 POPOLO.
Its really nice sia all the pictures! :D
But not sure if i can even buy it. :(
See how bah..
Jeannie&yikning coming soon. :)
Very long nvr meet both of them le. lol.
Okay. nothing much to do le.
Still downloading my Ryuusei no Kizuna #6.
Still a long way to go man~ =x
Friday, November 21, 2008 ♥
Nothing to do now.
so just nice saw Charmaine's tag. decided to do it. :D
Q1 : The person who tagged you was?
Q2 : Your relationship with her/him?
Friends. :)
Q3 : Your 5 impressions of her/him?
Loves reading. Sometimes her use of words are funny. lol.
Anime/manga/cosplay(?) lover. ( Is this considered 3? XD )
Q4 : The most memorable thing he/she have done for you?
Eh.. lending me her mangas? =x
Q5 : If he/she become your lover , you would..
Faint? ( She's a girl XD )
Q6 : If he/she become your lover, they need to improve on?
Since it isnt possible. I duno. o.o
Q7 : The most desired thing you want for him/her to be?
Remain as friends. :)
Q8 : Your overall impression of him/her?
She really LOVES reading. lol.
Q9 : How do you think others would think of you?
Hmm. Dunno. o.o Shy?
Q10 : The character(s) you love about yourself? i have any? XP Kindhearted, honest?? *coughing away*
Q11 : The character(s) you hate about yourself?
Im a impatient, insensitive person...=x
Q12 : The most ideal person you wanna be?
Kind, Fun, love by the people around me. :D
Q13 : For people that care & love you , what would you wanna say to them?
Thank you. :) I will treat you the same too. ^^
Q14 : Pass this quiz on to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you ...
1. Zhao
2. Buff
3. Ting
4. Mojo
5. Jiahui
6. Xinling
7. Jasmine
8. Huiling
9. Jieshin
10. Jeannie
Q15 : Who is 6 having a relationship with?
周杰伦? -.-
Q16 : Is number 9 a female or a male?
Female. :) Her actions arent really what girls will do though. =x lol.
Q17 : If number 7 & 10 are together , would it be good?
Both are girls and doubt they know each other. o.o
Q18 : What is number 2 studying about?
Japanese &Arashi (esp. nino ). LOL.
Q19: When was the last time you chatted with number 3?
Yesterday night? Spamming about Arashi. XD
Q20: What kind of music genre does number 8 like?
Any kind? o.0
Q21 : Does number 1 have siblings?
1 younger sis. :)
Q22 : Would you woo number 3?
She wouldnt even want me. :( She only wants her MatsuJun. XD
Q23 : How about number 7?
She got her bf already. XD
Q24 : Is number 4 single?
Who knows? XD
Q25 : Whats the surname of number 5?
Lee. :)
Q26 : What is the hobby of number 10?
Basketball. :D
Q27 : Does number 5 & 9 get along?
They dont really know each other. o.0
Q28 : Where is number 2 studying at?
Riverside Sec. :)
Q29 : Talking something casually about 1 ....
Sho's wife? XD
Q30 : Have you tried developing feelings for number 8?
Nope. XP
Q31 : Where does number 9 live?
Somewhere on Earth. :)
Q32 : What colour does number 4 like?
Hmm..not sure sia. i dont remember mj say about her fav. colour. =x
Q33 : Are number 1 & 5 best friends?
Should be. :D
Q34 : Does number 1 have any pet ?
Ex-hamsters&fishes? o.o
Q35 : Is number 7 the sexiest person in the world?
Yup.Yup. ^^
Q36 : What is number 10 doing now? idea... =x
Wow. I nvr expected it to take quite some time to finish this kinda thing. o.o
Ok. Off to tag those people le. ( Those who have blogs. XD )
Wow. im so anxious to know more informations on whether the news of J&A considering Singapore is true that i kept refreshing the page for dunno how many times. LOL. XP
Ahh~ Please bring ARASHI to Singapore. ( asap ). LOL. ><
Ah~ I wanna buy Arashi 2009-2010 calendar! XD
Its says that it may be their last calendar and i dont wanna miss it!
Been staring at the comp for like 2hours and its seems like ages to me. =x
Nothing much to do. :(
Think gonna go and revise on my Jap. :)
Really hope to master the language before i turn 18. LOL.
dunno why did i choose 18... lol.
Browse around.
Watch TSD the episode whereby Aiba came to Singapore Jurong Bird Park to film one ofthe episode.
Its around 2005-2006 when he came.
Too bad wasnt chasing Arashi then. :(
[20060713] Tensai! Shimura Doubutsuen ... - more free videos
Thursday, November 20, 2008 ♥

Im so excited now! :DD
There's a very minor news that J&A is considering Singapore/Malaysia for Arashi's AAA concert. But isnt confirm whether this news is true or not yet.
But even with 1% chance im also happy! :DDD
Really hope they will come to Singapore next year. ^-^
Went out with Sanny. Channy& Baba today. :)
Went all the way to Liang Court at ClarkQuay just for a magazine. lol.
Bought AnAn. Was abit disappointed. :(
The book in book is like only 5pages. LOOL.
and the remainng magazine is freaking useless. T.T
Nvm. Since thats what i wanted in the first place.
Guess i shouldnt regret it bah.
Though im kinda regretting it abit. LOL. =xx
Went to PS after that.
The clothes and skirts and shorts at Cotton On are kinda cheap and good. :D
Going there again soon. :)
Ps zhao and went home. lol.
On the way back. Keep like "dreaming" Arashi will be comin to Sg.
Buff keep saying its possible. LOL.
I really hope it is though. XD
Oh. And she said that all of us can make 3wishes on our birthday. :D
Say 2 out and 1 in your heart.
Since mine is coming in another 4days.
These are my wishes. :D
1. Hope that all my friends&family will be happy&healthy. :)
2. ARASHI will come to Sg for a concert asap. please!! ><
3. *It's a secret* XD
Im still thinking for the 3rd one. But i really hope all of them will come true! :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 ♥
OMG! I gonna bai her as god le!!
Mood sky rocketing!! ^^
♥ so freaking sad now. T.T
Anan is out today.
and i miss the chance to reserve it.
Now its all sold out! T.T
Not only Taka de. Even Bugis one also all sold out.
I think i gonna flood this post with tears.
No mood le la.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 ♥
Doumo. :)
Lazy to blog yesterday since dint do much stuffs anyway.
Played MJ and was the only one who lost $$.. T.T
Tried to find videos but couldnt find any. -.-
Ah. I cant remember much from yesterday already. =x
Today. As usual. Woke up around 11. =x
Had to give my sis tution for maths.
Ah...speechless about their studies...
Buff and zhao came a while.
Went to Causeway with my family after that.
My mother bought 5 antique stools for the dining table. -.-
It looks totally antique to me. lol.
Continued to find videos.
The latest Arashi no Shukudai 20081117 wasnt quite bad. :)
Its a special telecast. not sure if its LIVE. due to lack of $ again. lol.
Some parts are kinda cute. :)
Bud couldnt understand some of it since its raw. :(
Some snapshots to share. :D
They look so cute when trying to sleep. :DD
Lol. Except Jun&Aiba who dint even want to sleep.
Oh. And yay! Anan should be arriving tomorrow. :DDD

The last snapshot looks cute. :D Aiba trying to pull Nino back and tell him to sleep. lol.
Oh. If you are wondering whos under the blanket watch the show then. :D
Sunday, November 16, 2008 ♥
Tired. :DD
Morning. Met Buff for Jap ressun.
Forgot to bring my HP so have to rushed back...T.T
stupid la. HATE running. feel dam suffocated & on verge of fainting everytime i run. -.-
Had to run across orchard road again after that.
But still late...doesnt helps even after we ran so much.....-.-
Yay. My name in katakana is ユエチ一 .
LOL. though i dunno how to pronouce it. haha.
Japanese really is NOT easy at all..
Only E1 and i think its freaking hard after having 2nd ressun. =x
Rushed to IMM after ressun.
Lucky the queue for FRH isnt very long.. :D
Waited for 2+ hours for them to arrive.
Cant believed that we actually met a NEWS fan and chatted. LOL.
Too bad she wasnt Arashi fan. =x
Finally they arrived at 5.30. :)
Screams and more screams. LOL.
Too bad 大東 never come due to injury. :(
Had their signiture &shaked hand. :DDD
Cant take any clear pics with my phone.
Buff asked someone else for their hotmail to get pictures from them.
Lets just wait for them bah. :)
This kind of events are quite fun. ^^
How i wish someday there will be Arashi one. LOL. wishful thinking..
Went back to Causeway for Dinner. LJS. :)
And strolled back home.
Wohoo! My legs hurt sia. =s
Arashi here i come! ^-^
OHOH! Now 10pm at YES 933 i think got Japanese songs.
Hopefully they will have beautiful days! :DDDD

Friday, November 14, 2008 ♥
Konbanwa :)
Tired. tired &more tired.
Went school early for Choir.
I thought nobody will arrived that early yet almost all of them had reached. -.-
Except Marilyn who ps me and came like 1-2 hours later. lol.
Had to run around the school to take pictures and do the booth. -.-
Still need to go at 7.45am. tomorrow. ahhhh~
My precious sleep is gone again.....T.T
Bought chocolates&sweets to kill time tomorrow. hehehe. :D
( $$ isnt mine anyway. XD )
Some HSM &Arashi maniacs came after that.
LOL. Yanjun is soo afraid of Maomao.
Still. was forced to touch it though. XP
Played MJ till around 6. :)
Gekteng and i lost like all our chips to Mandy. -.-
Lucky isnt real $... *phew* lol.
Just bought a Micro SD USB port card reader.
I slide the micro SD card in but i CANT GET IT OUT!! T.T
Can some kind souls tell me how to get it out?!
Thursday, November 13, 2008 ♥
Wow this is my 45th post already.
So fast...when i just deleted all the posts like not long ago. o.o
Back from Choir. :D in need of a thumbdrive. -.-
Buff called Kinokuniya but they say Anan December issue will only arrive next week. disappointed sia...T.T
Ah. Dunno wad to do now le..
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 ♥
Domo. :)
What a slack day.
Kept downloading videos. :D
Choir stuffs still uncompleted sia. shit la..
So bored. =x
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 ♥
Kbox = FUN!!
Even though there was no Arashi songs..
quite disappointed... =x
But even without arashi songs.
they can select up to 45+ pages of songs...
which is like equals to.. 45x8 = 280 songs like that.
7hours isnt even enough lor!! LOL.
Cancel like half of the songs in the end.
Ended up playing Arashi songs from our phones and singing along with the mic. ^-^
( people outside must have thought we were mad. kbox using our own phones. LOL )
Ended at bout 6. :)
Went to Kinokuniya.
Channy. Baba & Jojo went mad over the magazines. LOL.
They found their precious POTATO and bought it. :D
Gonna spam calls tomorrow for my Anan. lol.
Ate at foodcourt. some went home already.
Channy&Jojo are like maniacs...
keep singing and dancing in public.
Arashi~ Arashi~ for dream~~
Mandy keep saying that Sho looks like QingFeng. o.o
then Shuhui keep emphasising Xiaoyu from Lollipop very shuai..
Gekteng&Xl busy going mad about Zac Efron. LOL.
A bunch of mad people. HAHA.
Mrt-ed home aft that.
Reached hom at bout 9. :D
Ahhh~ Stupid download speed.
Slow like snail. 12.2kb/sec.
Wah..bth. -.-
Cant download much stuffs tonight le la. T.T
Gonna stay at home tomorrow bah.
Got lots of stuffs to do. =x
Monday, November 10, 2008 ♥
Konbanwa! :D
Back from choir. :)
Got quite some stuffs need to do for the P6 Open House le. ahah~
Mojo, zhao& ting cut their hair.
( I bet those nvr saw it will get a shock tomorrow. ^-^ )
Yup. a SHOCK. LOL.
okayokay..maybe not that much...=x
Yay. Finally KBOX tomorrow!
Been waiting like sooo long man. :DDD
Hope there's Arashi songs sia. o.o
Oh. Today's Jieshin & Shuli birthday.
Though i never prepare any present. =x
I just wanna wish them a wonderful 15th birthday. ^-^
Ah~ I saw this vid on Ohno.
Freaking kawaii! Ohno is sooo dam cute!! LOL.
Time album - JKpop2007.08.08 ohno [MTV](17s) from
Currently loading the longer version of the video on Buff blog.
The one where Aiba fainted. =x
Even before i get to that part of the show..
the starting is already dam creepy.......
This is the link for those who are interested in it. =x
Lol. I dont wish to display that vid on my blog man.
Okay. Thats all currently~ Sayonara!
Ohayoo gozaimasu :D
Woke up early in the morning for the sake of pecky. T.T
lol. she wanted a pail filled with water. o.o
Came knocking at my door at around 8.30.
Nvm. Went back to sleep after that. :)
Going to Chongpang with others later.
Mojo &maybe others wanted to cut hair bah.
Nothing to do anyway. Go see~
Oh. Stupid buff told me to watch the video at her blog yesterday.
Its quite a long show. around 2001 de.
Aiba and Ohno went to check out a myth of a haunted house.
Whether its true or not.
Full show can be found on tudou.
Maybe i will continue to watch it when i get home.
The whole show programe is really freaking scary. =x
Best to not watch in the night. :D
Sunday, November 9, 2008 ♥
Ahh~ I am freaking tired. ><
Morning had to wake up early to attend the Japanese lesson. *yawn-ing*
Was a lil late and rushed to meet Buff& her mom at the bus-stop.
Took mrt to Orchard. :)
( accidentally kicked someone on the way =x couldnt balance. )
Just nice reached Bunka at 10.
I almost thought i stepped into the wrong room...
since all i saw was like a whole group of people sitting like for they were having a meeting..worst..most of them were adults. -.-
3hours passed really quickly.
Yamamoto-sensei was really cute too. LOL. ^-^
Ah~ I rather go for this lesson than to go back to school~
Met up with zhao, ting& mojo.
They were like rushing to Kinokuniya while mojo thought we were going to eat. LOL.
Wow. They bought quite some magazines. all in jap. :D
Totally cant understand a word... its just for the sake of Arashi's poster. LOL.
Got DUET, Aiba's otakara, Wink Up.
Sad that POTATO isnt here yet. :(
I am still waiting for my AnAn. LOL.
Hope the price doesnt exceeds $20. =x
Went to eat at Yoshinoya. Busy unwrapping the magazines. LOL.
Went to HMV again after that. :D
Arashi's Beautiful Days SINGLE is out already.
Singapore's import speed not bad sia. o.0
After that walked around takashimaya again. :)
Met up with my parents and went to ah ma house~
Slack slack and slack.
Back home now. :)
Saddening that there isnt any new vids...T.T
and where is ryuusei no kizuna #4 de softsub?!!?
Shouldnt it be out by today?! T.T
Nvm..guess i will have to find other videos to download le.
Friday, November 7, 2008 ♥
Sweat sweat &more sweat.
So warm today. o.o
Had Choir just now.
Time passed by dam slow...
Morning was busy downloading videos. ^-^
Aiba and the python is really funny. LOL.
Will update with screenshots later.
VS Arashi #27 is quite funny too.
Sho and his sloping shoulders. :D
Busy downloading Time-Con.
There's 11parts to the video ( Its around 1gb. )
Now continue-ing to download the remaining parts.
ah~ Really hope that i will be able to go to their concert someday~
9Nov - YAY!! FIRST LESSON!! Been waiting for it for 3weeks.
11Nov - KBOX! Lets go!
15Nov - P6 Open House. o.0
and someday there's gathering with old pri schoolmates! yay! Sentosa! mission is to master Japanese! ^-^
For the sake of subbing videos. or teach jap. ( This is hopeless ) LOL.
I know thats dumb. -.-
But thats wad kept me going on...
And i know it will forever. :D
Thursday, November 6, 2008 ♥
ah~ Forgot to blog yesterday. =x
Had OLevel MT exam.
Wasnt as hard as i thought. :D
Thank goodness..
But i still think i sux in my oral. haiz.
Went 883 to eat and to zhao house after that.
Watched arashi vids again. as expected... LOL.
Went home at around 6.
And blah blah blah...
Okay. Today.
Supposed to be going out now.
But mojo last min say she cant go zhao house
Hmm..nvm i stay at home.
Spam myself with videos. :D
Tuesday, November 4, 2008 ♥
Ah~ No need go back school is the best thing ever! LOL.
Finally my Ryuusei no Kizuna #3 finish download.
Why cant i watch the softsubs?!
Have to download the whole hardsub file all over again. T.T
Arashi - Beautiful Days PV seems to be out on tudou already. ^-^
I thought the full PV should be out tomorrow.
Dunno why it is out today already. o.o
Nvm bout that.
It is a very beautiful pv...really..looks so dreamy~ Lol. :D
Great.. tomorrow is MT O-level..eek.
I dont even plan to study for it..
What kind of O-level is this? -.-
Its even slacker than my normal exams.
Ok. Nothing to say le.
Will post again if i find something interesting~ ^-^
Monday, November 3, 2008 ♥
Back from choir. :D
Sometimes it just isnt as bad as i thought bah.
I just dunno wads holding me back. =x
Oh good. No extra lesson tomorrow! :D
What to do leh~? ^-^
Nvm. Think of that later. :)
Off to convert more videos! :D
Yay! Found converter and video cutter! ^-^
Finally videos to put in phone! wohoo~
Cant describe how happy i am when i found the converter. :DDD
Just came back from extra lessons.
yeah..boring as usual..
Luckily tomorrow one is cancelled! :D
Still have to go back for choir again later. -.-
What a boring day.
" No matter how much you hate it,
time just wont stop.
No matter how much you hate it,
life just goes on. "
Yeah..since thats the way it choice but to go. T.T
Few more days to O-level Chinese.
Dont really have much hope though..with the stupid oral. -.-
Nonono.. the mood is getting kinda dark here...=x
Off to find some arashi stuffs to lighten the mood bah. :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008 ♥
Ah~ Ended up not cutting my hair again. =x
The hairdresser say my hair if cut somemore will become more pong.
Like jellyfish. LOL. =x
So she suggest that i go rebond first. Considering it bah. o.o
Been downloading different converters the whole day.
Cant i jus find one which allows me to convert it into mp4 and its free!?
Usually there will be like restrictions since the programme isnt foc. -.-
Some convert le cant open in phone T.T
Ok. Off to find more converters. T.T
Saturday, November 1, 2008 ♥
Back. Just ate my dinner.
Dam full. =x
Went zhao house the whole day just now. :D
Supposed to be cutting my hair today.
Ended up pushed to tomorrow.
Is there any places that provides nice haircuts and is not expensive? -.-
Ah! Buff just told me that may not be able to download picture scans by yuckie-chan anymore!
Nooo~ I want the arashi pictures!
Life is so boring without scans and subs. =x
Ryuusei no Kizuna#3 RAW is out. :)
But i cant understand a word at all. T.T
Ah..i wanna find Hey!Say!Jump! - Mayonaka no Shadow Boy [PV] ^-^
Lol. I know this song released quite some time ago. =x
In mp4 format..or is there any converter which is FOC.
And allows me to convert the whole song from avi to mp4?? 0.0
Johnny groups are all so cool! :D