Friday, October 31, 2008 ♥
Tiring. :D
Not safe. =x
Arashi daisuki! ^-^
Thursday, October 30, 2008 ♥

Shimmerings Instocks. :)
Do support us. We are in need of $$. =x
5Silver, 4white, 4pink, 4blue & 3black.
1 for $2.50.
5 for $10.
Thanks. :D
- 1 Black sold
:) Lalala.
Back home.
Extra supp. again today.
Finally one day i can sleep longer since its in the noon. ^-^
Buff came in the morning since she said that she's dam bored at home. o.o
Watched Himitsu no Arashi-chan #5.
Nino's magic is cool. :D
Interested? Watch that episode then. Lol.
Went supp. 3 boring hours...
Last min went zhao house after lesson.
Re-watched videos again. Still as funny. :D
I dont think i will ever get bored of arashi videos. =x

Saw a picture of Yuuri Chinen of Hey!Say!Jump!.
Wow. He's becoming really shuai~
For your info. He is the same age as us. :)
With a height of 150cm. Lol.
But he really looks quite different from before.
And its a good thing i guess. ^-^
Oh. And there's a new song from Arashi.
Wasurerarenai. 忘れられない。
Its a really nice song! ^-^
Is it me or is the weather freaking hot? o.0
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 ♥
What a day. :D
Morning. MT extra lessons again~
As usual. but just a lil late since we were waiting for a pig.
Guess a pig is always a pig. Unchangable. o.o

Went to Causeway to watch HighSchoolMusical3.
Booked tickets and went arcade.
So long since the last time played DDR. =x
Really getting worst. Perhaps should go Sunplaza more often. lol.
Yay. For the first time in history we gotten seats at A. ^-^
Couple seats! But a bad thing is you only can place one drink beside you.
Since 2seats are combined. Some of us had to hold the drinks. LOL. -.-
As usual. Sneak food&drinks in. =x
The show was alot better than i thought. :)
Especially the dance and music.
&some freaking funny parts. ^-^
Sitting beside Buff = Sitting beside a loudhailer. LOL.
Her laughter i bet is the loudest in the cinema. =x
Wonder if Coffin is nice. o.o
But dont really have that much $$ to spent on another movie so soon. =x
After that went to Buff house.
Watched tons of Arashi videos.
Im sooo glad she downloaded AnS#95.
Arashi no Shukudai kun #95. ( download here )
is SOOOO freaking funny!
They are having a LIVE telecast.
since they said the show have no $$ to find people to edit the long video. -.-
So for that episode. Its a LIVE Special broadcast. :D
Everything is sooo rushed and its midnight. LOL.
I cannot describe how funny it is unless you watch it yourself.
Here i am. Downloading it again to watch a few more times. ^-^
Going out for Dinner soon.
Should be back at around 10plus. :D
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 ♥
Yay im back. ^-^
Morning. MT extra lessons.
Okay la. Time passed dam fast since they keep deciding what to do later on. :D
Decided to go AMK Hub.
My phone no batt! Ahhh~ Hate it when theres no batt. so ma fan.
Ate at Mac. Meetup.
Finally sold my black top. Earn $1. -.- better than none.
Went AMK Hub. Lol.
Walk. Shop. Eat. Durian Pancakes!
Walked the whole shopping mall dunno how many times while waiting for my father. Lol.
Finally. Then went to Hougang for another meetup.
Together with those who wanted 顺风车. lol.
What a creepy place. -.-
Since the houses are gonna demolished soon.
Everything is sooo creepy there. =x
Waited for that...大牌 for like an hour.
Keep rejecting our calls. -.-
Finally she came out of the house.
Basically we were like outside the house the whole time.
She never even apologise for being late. -.-
My father kept like...nagging at her since all of us entered the same lift.
Lol. Nice one~
Finally gotten that stupid 20shimmerings.
Went home. :)

Yay. Drew a picture of Arashi! :D
Edited in Photoshop. :)
Though some parts might look kinda weird.
I like it! :D
Try guessing who is who bah. ^-^
DDR&HSM3 tomorrow. Yay!
Monday, October 27, 2008 ♥
Ok back. :)
Dint managed to get the shimmerings again. -.-
Since my father say he will bring us there tomorrow. :D
Supposed to be today but in the end he said he wanted to play MJ. -.-
So suan le bah. tomorrow then get it. :)
Walked around AMK Hub.
Ate at Mos burger. :)
Terriyaki chicken burger!! ^-^
Then went to a shop called Top20. ( i think o.o )
Wow. Theres alot of stuffs man.
Got tanktops, dresses, shorts, shoes, necklaces, leggings..etc
Almost everything you can think of.
Its quite cheap too. :D
Bought a brown tanktop and went home. :)
Next time then go again. ( bring more $$ ^-^ )
My leg hurts now.
Blisters again. =x
Eek. Can someone tell me any webs like Imeem.
I wanna find 女生 by 黑社会妹妹 to play at my blog.
But Imeem like cant search chinese songs. =x Jiahui upload le. :D
Ok. Off to search for Arashi stuffs& others. :D
I just love Arashi. :D
Watched Arashi no Shukudai #98 yesterday.
They are eating spicy food again. -.-
I was like laughing throughout. LOL.
Screenshots can be found at TenjoStyle. :)
Ryuusei no Kizuna #2 ratings: 17.3%
Aww. It drop but still not bad. :)
Going out soon. :)
Finally...gonna settle all blogshop stuffs.
It takes ages to settle everything. -.-
Lets see.
After our boring extra lessons for MT.
Where your wanna go o.o? Movies? Bugis?
Sunday, October 26, 2008 ♥
=x Bored.
Busy doodle-ing my nails this afternoon.
Trying to draw stuffs on it using a toothpick.
But guess its useless. -.-
My nails are like ruined. LOL.
Just watched MagoMagoArashi #77 and #89.
Both are quite nice episodes. :)
Buff told me bout a Arashi Personality Test.
Did it and got Ohno! Yay! ^-^
Still haven watch Ryuusei no Kizuna #2. o.o
No mood to watch it somehow... lol.
Will be having quite a no. of meetups tomorrow.
Finally. I want our 20eye shimmers!
In need of selling it to get $$. LOL. :D
Domo. :)
Dint managed to blog yesterday since i got home quite late. =x
Went Yikning house yesterday. :)
Sad that Jeannie not there.
Aww my videos~
Before i went her house was downloading around 7parts.
After 1+hours... all 7 was around 90+% done.
Yet my comp just auto shutdown within 1min. wth.
I spent 1+hours downloading and everything is ruined within a min!? -.-
Only 1 out of 7 managed to finish download. T.T
Here i am.
Re-downloading Ryuusei no Kizuna #2
and other videos which failed yesterday. T.T
The downloading speed is freaking slow nowadays. 20+KB/sec.
haiz. Guess i will have to wait another hour for it to finish. T.T pictures to share today. =x
Friday, October 24, 2008 ♥
Life is getting more&more boring.... T.T
Only if 9Nov will come faster.
perhaps i would find new meaning to life. ^-^
Browsing through. Trying to find Arashi Calendar for 2009.
Hope they will still have it for next year.
Really wish to buy one. :D
Browse through Yesasia.
Only groups like L'Arc-en-Ciel, W-inds, DBSK(TVXQ) have. T.T
Wonder when Arashi's one will be out. o.o
Ahh~ Im so bored that im playing Y8 now. -.-
Ok. Im back from Choir. :D
Very few people went choir today. lol.
So hopeless.
Learn a new song -- A Japanese one called Hikari ga ( The Light ).
Its nice and quite easy. :)
Zhao is busy chatting with a UK guy. LOL.
So bored.
Ryuusei no Kizuna Episode 2 broadcasting tonight in Japan!
But still need to wait till tomorrow to watch the RAW. T.T
Oh yeah. I wanna share this.
This is a kind of personality test.
Just that it is based on your handwritings. :D
I think before you do the test.
Take a piece of paper and write a few words or sentences.
Once you see the test, i doubt it will be THAT accurate anymore.
Interested? Click Here. :)
Its quite a long test actually. =x
Its still early...
Such a nice day to sleep yet have to wake up for choir.
Ok. I bth the schedule for choir.
WHY do they have to put it at 1-4pm and 3-6pm?!
It is like in the middle of the day.
Neither can i sleep longer when it starts at 1.
Nor can i go out with my friends during those days!
Freak. Sick of it.
Browsing around on Hairstyles.
And i saw this.
Kinda interesting. :)
Though i dont really understand it. lol. =x
Before deciding which teen hair cut is right for you, you need to take into consideration of how that particular hair cut will look with your particular face shape. People often foolishly overlook that small, simple step before jumping into a new and exciting hair cut.
But truthfully, it is probably the most important thing you can do for yourself before your daredevil dive into your new teen hair cut.
So basically all you need to do is figure out what shape your face is. There are three different facial shapes: round, square and long. If you have a round face, the best look you can achieve is by adding fullness and volume to the top of your head. This adds length to your face so it doesn’t seem so round and, well, ball like.
Styles you should avoid if you have a round face are those that are flat on the top and also styles where the hair is very long and straight. Those don’t really compliment round faces, instead they accentuate the shape, which is not that good.
If you have a longer face you should shoot towards hair styles that are soft and airy. Something short and flowing is the best way to go. You should avoid styles with center parting. Straight shoulder length hair is generally unflattering, as it tends to make your face look a little too long and not give much distinction to your look.
For all you square faces out there you have the most styles to choose from that flatter your facial shape. Some examples are hair styles that are shoulder length and flicking outward at the ends or pixie cuts that are ear level and flicking away from the face. You can even go for hair that is off to one side or with diagonal fringes.
There aren’t too many choices for square faces to go wrong with.
Taken from Teen Hairstyles
Thursday, October 23, 2008 ♥
Ok. My turn to use comp. :D
Last day of school.
Its really sad that some of our teachers will not be teaching us anymore.
Aww... T.T
Quite happy with my results. ^-^
I just wanna get that edusave bursary $$. LOL.
Pray hard for it. =x
Ate at 883. and came my house to watch videos again. LOL.
Arashi's Beautiful Day preview for the PV is out! :D
Though it looks kinda....*speechless*
Some went home. Others back to school.
Buff is totally... with the interview. =x
Ahah~ Chat with my mother bout my school stuffs.
She keep saying
"Come. I go find your principle. I wanna see how she looks like. "
LOL. If she ever do that, im gonna die. -.-
Finally uploaded our class picture with Mdm Nora. :)
Edited abit.
Guess this will be the last day seeing her le bah. haiz.
Lets just hope next year the teacher will be as good. :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 ♥
:) Ah.. fell asleep while trying to memorise the japanese words.
Finally i managed to memorise some of it.
Tomorrow is last day of school le. ^-^
Cleaning of classrooms and getting back report book. o.o
Lets go celebrate soon! :D
Downloaded Himitsu #23 ( haunted house section ).
Really really funny. LOL.
Aiba&Sho are so funny!
Trying to occupy my time by editing pictures &learn jap.
It works. :)
It would be best if there were more videos to watch. ^-^
Made one on Ryuusei no Kizuna.
Its a very simple picture. :)

Ahh~ Dont feel like going to school today...
No reasons. Just dont feel like.
Bored. Nobody at home except maomao.
But maomao always busy sleeping. -.-
Downloading Himitsu #23 ( Haunted house 2 ) & G no Arashi #44.
The speed for Mediafire is like...snail? Or even worst than snail.
At least someone finally wants to sub Himitsu.
Ok. Continue to self-learn Jap bah in the meantime.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 ♥
Dont really feel like blogging about today.
Too many things to write...
How i wish that more Arashi videos will be subbed.
It just makes me happier watching them. :)
Life is like that.
" All of us had to find something to motivate ourselves.
Something that helps us look forward to another day.
Otherwise, life tomorrow, is just an empty shell. "
And Arashi is my motivation. :)
Okok. Enough about Arashi. =x
NEWS - Happy Birthday PV.
I just love the chorus. LOL.
What about the other parts? That will depends...=x
も わからない。
Sunday, October 19, 2008 ♥
Just reached home. :D
Went Marsiling with my parents.
They brought me to a dunno what so called ionisation or footcleansing stuff.
You just put your food into the water and the water will turn colour.
Showing what kind of problems or illness you may be having.
The person said that my blood is not very "clean"?! ( scared me at first )
It actually means that i ate alot of oily =x
And my throat quite easily get infection and stuffs.
( Sounds like im a very weak person. LOL )
Haha. Ate dinner and went home after that. :)
Finally someone uploaded soft subs for Ryusei no Kizuna!
Its faster to download softsubs when you already have the raw file. ^-^
Quite few people online today.. o.o
wonder what others are doing...
Im off to watch RnK. Ja~! :D

Today is such a boring day...
Had leftover sushis for lunch. ( as expected )
Suddenly time passes by so slowly...
Watched Himitsu no Arashi-chan #10 [20080612]
Lol. finally some kind souls willing to sub that episode.
Its really nice..almost the 4th time watching it. =x
Really love the Childminding part...
whereby Ohno&Sho take care of Koharu-chan.
Eventhough both of them have the certificate of being a childminder...
Did ohno just passed it? =x
Sho got 94/100 for the test! no wonder he's so good.
Still waiting for Ryusei no Kizuna to be subbed.
I thought the subs would be out by today already.. *sad*
Guess im gonna rot again soon...
I just updated the LINKS section. :D
Some of the links cannot be used so i deleted them. =x
Just tag me if you want to be re-link. Thanks. :)
Saturday, October 18, 2008 ♥

Picture from [TV-Subbed] Gakkou E Ikou Max [04.22.08] Arashi
Its nice. ^-^
and finally i know how to screenshot pictures from those video players!
Okok.. met up with our customers to pass them their stuffs.
Somehow i have a feeling that they thought we were cheating them..LOL.
Their expressions are like -- "Are you sure it's this amount? o.0 "
lol. Nvm bout that. Went zhao house after meet-ups.
Her messy-ness is un-compete-table. LOL.
Had sushi for dinner! yay~
Made quite alot..guess my lunch for tomorrow gonna be sushi again.. -.-

Ah~ Finally Ryusei no Kizuna#1 finished downloading.
Its the 2nd time ( or 3rd ) downloading it...
all thanks to my sis who crossed it when its about 99%. T.T
Im quite doubtful bout the 1st episode though..
not quite like what i imagined..
maybe its because i dont understand what they talking since its raw. o.0
but still.. the actors are kawaii!
My blog is really flooded with Arashi stuffs...=x

Yay! Someone uploaded Ryuusei no Kizuna Episode 1!
But its raw... nvm. download it anyway.
Subs will be coming soon for sure. :D
Going out to meet others to settle blogshop stuffs.
Wonder what to do after that o.o?
Kinda bored. Will post again when back. ^-^
Friday, October 17, 2008 ♥
ah~ Ryusei no Kizuna is broadcasting today!!
Hope subs will be out by tomorrow then. ^-^
The show looks nice and theres so many familiar casts! yay~
Oh. As promised to zhao. Here to help advertise her alien blog.
A place where she dumps all her instocks to sell.
It's all brandnew stuffs and kinda nice actually. Cheap too.
Some stuffs are even from aeropostale, GUESS, etc.
Do help to support her! ^-^
Domo! Im back from choir. ^-^
Choir is kinda fun today. lol. for once.. haha.
So hungry. Havent had my lunch yet. *stomach growling*
Making koroke for dinner. quite alot of them.
Wonder if its enough for dinner. o.o

Hmm.. kbox on 11nov? Lets all go together!
Just pray that there's no choir on that day~
7hours! for just $20! and FREE FLOW OF DRINKS! BANZAI!!
Gonna update choir blog le. ^-^
Ohayo gozaimasu..
tired&sleepy. *yawn*
later still got cca..haiz..
another wonderful pupil release day is wasted..
okok. its still early. will blog again when back. :)
Thursday, October 16, 2008 ♥

Guess there will never be a day whereby i will never talk about Arashi. =x
Currently loading Himitsu no Arashi-chan [20081009] ^-^
Heard from Buff that its very funny. o.o
Im only here to showcase Arashi Pictures.
Its really nice! ^-^
Arashi Around Asia 2008! Why isnt S'pore choosen?! T.T
Ah~ This is one of the magazine cover we saw at KINOKUNIYA few days ago.
$15 if im not wrong. :D
Scans by yuckie-chan.
Ah.. the last picture is from Ryusei no Kizuna.
A new drama starring Ninomiya Kazunari ( ARASHI )
Nishikido Ryo ( NEWS )
Toda Erika ( acted as Misa in Deathnote )
The theme song is Beautiful Days by ARASHI. Yay! ^-^
Buff is soo obsessed with that song. LOL.
Oh! And..nowadays did you guys heard of a strange guy walking around asking weird questions?
Heard that Xinling, Bernice & Zhao met one.
And some other people from our school.
Now. even my sis told me that her friends from her tuition centre met one.
Is that the same person o.o?
Kinda freaky.. lol.
Yay! My show loaded quite abit. Gonna watch it. Ja~ :)
Ahah.. my sis rushing me to let her use comp
...even though i only used 6min!!
Maomao is so cute! ^-^ ( This is so sudden... )
Ok..nvm that..Today was quite a...tiring day i supposed?
Most teachers were not in school so was watching StepUp2..couldnt finish it though.
Aww. I wanted to see the back part whereby they dance in the rain. Dam cool!
Reminds me of the day we went to the cinema to watch StepUp2.
When we were going home.. there was like a freaking rainstorm&thunder.
Forgotten to bring our umbrellas so had to rush across the road.
Who knows.. i ran and my slipper somehow got stuck and dropped in the middle of the road!
And somehow.. i just kept on running until i reached the shelter.
....then i found out that my slipper was missing!
Rushed back to the middle of the road again to pick up my shoe.
In the end -- Drenched. -.-
Okay. That was stupid. I know.
Today had a prize presentation in the morning.
Never expected my class to actually win something.
Since we were always like not getting any over the past whole year.
Was quite surprised. ( more like shocked )
Had Choir after that. Carried stuffs here and there.
Robotics room had been changed to "Multi-Purpose Room".
Totally dunno wadtheheck that means. lol.
And there was a "Jail cell" in the room. haha.
Took some pictures to share.
Ah! My 6min had passed!
Okok. Gonna stop crapping.
Will upload the pictures and update the post again later. ^-^ Uploaded!
Is this actually the first time that i nvr talk much bout Arashi? What a miracle!

Tada! The so called "Jail". ( 2nd picture is edited. Looks so unreal. lol. )
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 ♥
Konbanwa~ ^-^
Back to school again...
Received results for EOY.
Wasnt too good nor bad.. its ok to me. :)
Slacking lessons all the way...
Watched Arashi videos ( yeah again..=x ) at my house.
Nothing much to do anyway. o.o
Blogshop kinda dead too. haiz.. its too troublesome..
Ahah~ When is our holidays anyway? I still dont even know...
I suppose there will be like tons of ccas..extra lessons..and some other stuffs..
Wasting my holidays away again. haiz..
Tomorrow's 16Oct already right? So many new movies coming out. 0.0
If im not wrong. There should be about 5 or 6 new movies showing!
Ahh~ 2 which im kinda interested in. ^-^

Yeah! 20th century boys & Butterfly lovers!
Will try to watch it IF i have the time and $$. LOL.
And! and! and!
Just now Buff showed me a website on arashi & J.E. by the fans.
Someone actually mailed Kosmic Film, the organisers of the recent MISIA concert in Singapore, about the possibility of their inviting other J-pop artistes to perform in Singapore as well.
omg! How i wish they (could) invite Arashi to S'pore!!
Hello!I recently emailed Kosmic Film, the organisers of the recent MISIA concert in Singapore, about the possibility of their inviting other J-pop artistes to perform in Singapore as well. Of course, being the big JE fan I am, I raved about the popularity of ARASHI and all, how ARASHI was having an Asia tour right then (they'd just embarked on AAA and were doing Kokuritsu around then I think) and how much I'd love to see an ARASHI (or any JE group actually) concert in Singapore as part of their next Asia tour.In any case, I'm sure most people here are just like me and would love to see any of the JE boys have concerts here! Although they didn't answer my question directly in their reply, I just received a survey from them about the MISIA concert and part of the survey concerns future J-pop concerts in Singapore...Taken from JE fanclub ( Singapore )
Yeah. Was very surprised to see this.
Only if they would invite more J.E. groups to S'pore..o.o
Okay.. seems like my blog gonna be flooded with Arashi&Japanese stuffs